
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

login process for E-Business Suite (EBS) 12.2.x

login process for E-Business Suite (EBS) 12.2.x 

When a HTTP request is made for EBS, the request is received by the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS).

When the configuration of OHS is for a resource that needs to be processed by Java, such as logging into EBS, the OHS configuration will redirect the request to the Web Logic Server (WLS) Java process (OACore in this case).

WLS determines the J2EE application that should deal with the request, which is called "oacore".

This J2EE application needs to be deployed and available for processing requests in order for the request to succeed.   The J2EE application needs to access a database and does this via a datasource which is configured within WLS.

1.Login HTTP headers
When the EBS login works OK, the browser will be redirected to various different URLs in order for the login page to be displayed.  The page flow below shows the URLs that will be called to display the login page:


Redirects to local login page

Renders the login page

2.The URLs after the user enters username and password, then clicks the "login" button are shown below:



Renders user home page

3.Once the users home page is displayed, the logout flow also redirects to several different URL before returning to the login page:


Logout icon has been clicked


Redirects to the login page

Renders login page again

Oracle E-Business Suite Url's For Troubleshooting

Oracle E-Business Suite Url's For Troubleshooting

Default Login page:


Concurrent Managers:


Database status:


Workflow Mailer:
(Ignore Errors - my mailer is not configured)

AOL/J Database Connection Pool Status


AOL/J Diagnostic Test


AOL/J setup Test:




JDBC related issues in your WebLogic Environment the Please Keep the following tips always in mind.

1) Set the Maximum Capacity of the connection pool at least equal to the Execute Thread Count.

2) Configure Inactive Connection Timeout to specify how long (in seconds) a connection can be inactive before it is reclaimed to the pool.

3) The connection leak profiling option shows leaked connections from the connection pool. BEA recommends that you do not use this option in production; it uses extra resources and typically slows connectionpool operations.

4) If possible, size database connection pools so that they never increase the number of connections: set Initial Capacity equal to Maximum Capacity.

5) Use Test Reserved Connections only if you can afford the overhead of testing connections as part of normal request processing.

6) Avoid using a production table for “Test Table Name”, use a dummy table (ex. dual).

7) Use the statement cache to improve performance of prepared and callable statements.

8) Select the least-recently-used (LRU) algorithm for the cache; this removes rarely-used statements from the cache.

9) Connection Creation Retry Frequency can be used to retry for establishing connections to the database, if database is not reachable when creating connection pool or starting WebLogic Server.

10) If database is restarted when WebLogic Server is running, Test Frequency can be increased from 0, so that all the connections are closed and reopened to re-establish valid physical connection. After all the connections are recreated changing it back to 0 will disable the testing.

11) When using DataSource objects for a connection pool, use the Honors Global Transaction option to create a TxDataSource.

12) The only time you should use a non-Tx Data Source is when you want to do some work on the database that you do not want to include in the current transaction.

13) When configuring a connection pool to use with WebLogic JMS JDBC Store, use non-XA database drivers.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

OutOfMemory Causes In Weblogic Server

OutOfMemory Causes In Weblogic Server

What is OutOfMemory ?
An OutOfMemory is a condition in which there is not enough space left for allocating required space for the new objects or libraries or native codes. OutOfMemory can be divided in categories:

1) OutOfMemory in Java Heap
2) Native OutOfMemory
3) OutOfMemory in PermGen Space

1) OutOfMemory in Java Heap ?

This happens when the JVM is not able to allocate the required memory space for a Java Object. There may be many reasons behind.

a)Very Less Heap Size allocation. Means setting the MaxHeapSize (-Xmx) parameter to a very less value.
b)The Leaking of Objects. Either the Application is not unreferencing the unused Objects or the Third part frameworks (Hibernate/Spring/Seam…etc) might not be releasing the references of the objects due to some inaccurate configurations.
c)In Many cases it may be the reason that Application codes are getting the JDBC connections objects from the DataSource are not being released back to the Connection Pool.
d)Garbage Collection strategy may be in correct according to the environmental/application requirements.
e)In-accurate setting of Application/Frameworks Cache.

Exception in thread "Thread-10" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(Abs
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(AbstractStr
at java.lang.StringBuilder.append( 119)
at java.lang.Throwable.toString(

What to do in case of OutOfMemory In JavaHeap?
Whenever we see an OutOfMemory in the server log or in the stdout of the server. We must try to do the following things as first aid steps:

a)If possible enable the following JAVA_OPTIONS in the server start Scripts to get the informations of the Garbage Collection status.
-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails  -Xloggc:/opt/app/GCLogsDirectory/gc.log
b)It is always needed to see what all objects were present when the OutOfMemory error occured to identify whether those objects belongs to the Application Code/ Application Framework Codes/ The Application Server APIs. Sothat we can isolate the issue. In order to get the details of the Heap Objects collect “HeapDump” either using JHat (not a better tool) or JMap (Much Better compared to the Jhat tool).
c)Once we collected the Heap Dump we can easily monitor the Heap Details using best GUI toold like “Jhat Web Browser” or using “Eclipse Memory Analyzer”.

2) Native OutOfMemory ?

Native OutOfMemory is a scenario when the JVM is not able to allocate the required Native Libraries and JNI Codes in the memory.
Native Memory is an area which is usually used by the JVM for it’s internal operations and to execute the JNI codes. The JVM Uses Native Memory for Code Optimization and for loading the classes and libraries along with the intermediate code generation.
The Size of the Native Memory depends on the Architecture of the Operating System and the amount of memory which is already commited to the Java Heap. Native memory is an Process Area where the JNI codes gets loaded or JVM Libraries gets loaded or the native Performance packs and the Proxy Modules gets loaded…
Native OutOfMemory can happen due to the following main reasons:

a) Setting very small StackSize (-Xss). StackSize is a memory area which is allocated to individual threads where they can place their thread local objects/variables.
b) Usually it may be seen because of Tuxedos incorrect setting. WebLogic Tuxedo Connectors allows the interoperability between the Java Applications deployed on WebLogic Server and the Native Services deployed on Tuxedo Servers. Because Tuxedos uses JNI code intensively.
c) Less RAM or Swap Space.
d) Usually it may occur is our Application is using a very large number of JSPs in our application. The JSPs need to be converted into the Java Code and then need to be compiled. Which reqires DTD and Custom Tag Library resolution as well. Which usually consumes more native memory.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.start(
at TestXss.main(

What to do in case of Native OutOfMemory?
a) Usually Native OutOfMemory causes Server/JVM Crash. So it is always recommended to apply the following JAVA_OPTIONS flags in the Server Start Script to instruct the JVM to generate the HeapDump  “-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError“
By default the heap dump is created in a file called java_pidpid.hprof in the working directory of the VM, as in the example above. You can specify an alternative file name or directory with the “-XX:HeapDumpPath=C:/someLocation/“

Note: Above Flags are also suitable to collect HeapDump in case of JavaHeap OutOfMemory as well. But these flags never gurantees that the JVM will always generate the Heap Dump in case of any OutOfMemory Situation.

b) Usually in case of Native OutOfMemory a “hs_err_pid.log” file is created in case of Sun JDK and “xxxx.dump” file is created in case of JRockit JDK. These log files are usually Text Files and tells about the Libraries which caused the Crash. These files need to be collected and analyzed to find out the root cause.
c) Make Sure that the -XX:MaxHeapSize is not set to a Very Large Space…because it will cause a very less Native Space allocation. Because as soon as we increase the HeapSize, the Native Area decreases.
d) Keep Monitoring the process’s memory using the Unix utility ‘ps’ like following:
ps -p <PID> -o vsz
Here you need to pass the WebLogic Server’s PID (Process ID) to get it’s Threading Details with respect to the Virtual Memory Space.
e) If the Heap Usages is less Or if you see that Your Application usages less Heap Memory then it is always better to reduls the MaxHeapSize so that the Native Area will automatically gets increased.
f) Sometimes the JVMs code optimization causes Native OutOfMemory or the Crash…So in this case we can disable the Code Optimization feature of JVM.
(Note: disabling the Code Optimization of JVM will decrease the Performance of JVM)
For JRockit JVM Code Optimization can be disabled using JAVA_OPTION  –Xnoopt
For Sun JDK Code Optimization can be disabled using   JAVA_OPTION  -Xint

3) OutOfMemory in PermGen Space

Permanent Generation is a Non-Heap Memory Area inside the JVM Space. Manytimes we see OutOfMemory in this Area. PermGen Area is NOT present in JRockit JVMs.
The PermGen Area is measured independently from the other generations because this is the place where the JVM allocates Classes, Class Structures, Methods and Reflection Objects. PermGen is a Non-Heap Area.It means we DO NOT count the PermGen Area as part of Java Heap.
The OutOfMemory in PermGen Area can be seen because of the following main reasons:

a) Deploying and Redeploying a very Large Application which has many Classes inside it.
b) If an Application is getting deployed/Updated/redeployed repeatedly using the Auto Deployment feature of the Containers. In that case the Classes belonging to the application stays un cleaned and remains in the PermGen Area without Class Garbage Collection.
c) If  “-noclassgc” Java Option is added while starting the Server. In that case the Classes instances which are not required will not be Garbage collected.
d) Very Less Space for allocated the “=XX:MaxPermGen”

Example: you can see following kind of Trace in the Server/Stdout Logs:
<Notice> <Security> <BEA-090171> <Loading the identity certificate and private key stored under the alias DemoIdentity from the jks keystore file D:ORACLEMIDDLE~1WLSERV~1.3serverlibDemoIdentity.jks.>
Exception in thread "[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(

What to do in case of OutOfMemory In PermGen?
a) Make Sure that the PermGen Area is not set to a very less value.
b) Usually if an Application has Many JSP Pages in that case every JSP will be converted to a *.class file before JSP Request Process. So a large number of JSPs causes generation of a Large number of *.class files all these classes gets loaded in the PermGen area.
c) There is no standard formula to say which value of MaxPermSize will suit your requirement. This is because it completely depends on the kind of framework,APIs, number of JSPs…etc you are using in your application. The number of class which has to be loaded will vary based on that. but if you want to really tune the MaxPermSize then you should first start with some base value like 512M or 256M and then If you still get the OutOfMemory then please follow below instruction to troubleshoot it.
d) If you are repeatedly getting the OutOfMemory in PermGen space then it could be a Classloader leak….
May be some of the classes are not being unloaded from the permgen area of JVM . So please try to increase the -XX:MaxPermSize=512M  or little more and see if it goes away.
If not then add the following JAVA_OPTIONS to trace the classloading and unloading to find out the root cause :
-XX:+TraceClassloading and -XX:+TraceClassUnloading
e)If users want to investigate which kind of classes are consuming more PermGen space then we can use the “$JAVA_HOME/bin/jmap” utility as following:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jmap -permstat $PID  >& permstat.out
Above utility will dump the list of classes loaded in that JVM process Process (we are passing the processID to this command as $PID). This helps us in understanding if there is any classloader leak or if a particular class is consuming more memory in PermGen…etc Collecting HeapDump also gives a good idea on this.

What queries are running in the database

What queries are running in the database

What are the queries that are running ?

select sesion.sid,
 from v$sqlarea sqlarea, v$session sesion
where sesion.sql_hash_value = sqlarea.hash_value
 and sesion.sql_address = sqlarea.address
 and sesion.username is not null;

Get the rows fetched, if there is difference it means processing is happening ?

select, a.value vlu from v$sesstat a, v$statname b where a.statistic# = b.statistic# and sid =&sid and a.value != 0 and like '%row%';

Get the sql_hash_value ?

select sql_hash_value from v$session where sid='&sid';
SQL> select sql_hash_value from v$session where sid='&sid';
Enter value for sid: 1075
old 1: select sql_hash_value from v$session where sid='&sid'
new 1: select sql_hash_value from v$session where sid='1075'

Get the sql_Text ?

SQL> select sql_text v$sql from v$sql where hash_value =&Enter_Hash_Value;
Enter value for enter_hash_value: 928832585

Get the explain_plan ?

set lines 190
col XMS_PLAN_STEP format a40
set pages 100
 case when access_predicates is not null then 'A' else ' ' end ||
 case when filter_predicates is not null then 'F' else ' ' end xms_pred,
 id xms_id,
 lpad(' ',depth*1,' ')||operation || ' ' || options xms_plan_step,
 object_name xms_object_name,
 cost xms_opt_cost,
 cardinality xms_opt_card,
 bytes xms_opt_bytes,
 optimizer xms_optimizer
 hash_value in (&SQL_HASH_VALUE)
 and to_char(child_number) like '%';

Based the cost u can decide what to be done.
One of the solutions is to analyse the statistics

How to Perform AOLJ Test

How to Perform AOLJ Test

AOLJ test can be executed when we need to determine the if the webserver is configure properly or not. It also verifies DBC file.

You need to pass few parameter as below to perform the test.

1.Apps Schema Name
2.Apps Schema Password
3.Oracle SID - Database Oracle SID
4.HostName - Database hostname
5.PortNo - Database Port No


If https is configured then you need to use https instead of http.


For 12.2.4+, or 12.2.x with R12.AD.C.Delta.5 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.5 Release Update Packs applied
For these releases, Direct access to Forms has been disabled by default for security reasons.

The following patch needs to be applied to enable direct access to Forms again:

Note: These URLs are to be used strictly for diagnostic purposes only, when advised by Oracle Support, and should not be used as an alternative Login mechanism which is not supported.

For 12.1.x, 12.2.2, 12.2.3
One can use the following URL to access Forms directly in R12:

When using Forms Servlet Mode:

When using Forms Socket Mode:

Validating Guest user password

Validating Guest user password

Steps to validate your Guest user password.

1. Check Value in DBC File
grep -i GUEST_USER_PWD $FND_SECURE/hostname_SID.dbc

2. Check profile option value
sqlplus apps/passwd
SQL> select fnd_profile.value(’GUEST_USER_PWD’) from dual;

Value for step 1 and 2 must be sync.

3. Guest user connectivity check
sqlplus apps/passwd
Above is the value, then everything is perfect.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Profiles In Oracle

Profiles In Oracle

Profiles are used for restricting access to Oracle Database. Default Profile of Oracle Database is "DEFAULT". We can also create our own profile with our own user defined restrictions.

In order to use Profiles limits on a Oracle User, Parameter resource_limit must be set to true.
Once we assign a profile to user then that user cannot exceeds limits defined in that profile.

There are two type of parameters in Profile :-

1. Resource Parameters :-  Parameters related to sessions, CPU, connect_time, idle_time, Logical_reads , private_sga comes under this category.

a. Session_per_user :- Specify number of concurrent sessions for a user.
b. Cpu_per_session :- Specify CPU time limit for a session, expressed in hundredth of second.
c. Cpu_per_call       :- Specify CPU time limit for a call,  expressed in hundredth of second.
d. Connect_time      :- Specify the time limit for a session, expressed in minutes.
e. Logical_reads_per_session :- Specify number of data blocks reads in a session.
f.  Logical_reads_per_cal       :- Specify number of data blocks read for a call to process a sql statement.
g. Private_SGA       :-  Specify the amount of private space a session can have.

2. Password Parameters :- Parameters sets length of time are defined in number of days, however we can specify minutes(n/1440) or seconds (n/86400) also.

a. Failed_login_attempts :- Specify number of failed attempts before a account is locked.
b. Password_life_time    :-  Specify the life time of a password in number of days.
c. Password_lock_time  :-  Specify number of days account will be locked after failed login attempts.
d. Password_grace_time :- Specify the grace period given to a user after it exceeds failed login attempts, if in grace time user has not changed its password, it will be lock.
e. Password_verify_function :- its a PL/SQL function which checks that complexity of a password.
f. Password_reuse_time and Password_reuse_max :- both are used in conjunction, three values can be possible for both of them :-
1. Both can be set as integer. For eg Password_reuse_time is 50 and Password_reuse_max is 5. In this case user can reuse old password after 50 days and after changing 5 times.
2. One is set to integer and another to unlimited, In this case user cannot reuse a password.
3. Both set to unlimited then database ignores both of them.

SQL> show parameter resource

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
resource_limit                       boolean     FALSE

SQL> alter system set resource_limit=TRUE;

System altered.

Profile creation :-

CONNECT_TIME unlimited
IDLE_TIME unlimited

A resource in a profile can have three different values :-

1. UNLIMITED :- when a resource has value as UNLIMITED , then user can use unlimited amount of this resource.
2. DEFAULT :- If value of a resource is DEFAULT, then that resource is assigned value as it has in DEFAULT profile
3. Number (1,2,3) :- If a value is assigned to a resource, then that resource cannot exceeds that value.

How to Alter a Profile :-

alter Profile DBA LIMIT <profile_item_name> <value> ;
eg:- Alter Profile MQM_profile LIMIT SESSIONS_PER_USER  10;

How to assign a Profile to a user :-

a. Assigning a profile along with user creation :-
Create user MQM identified by MQM profile MQM_profile;

b. Assigning a profile after user creation :-
Alter user MQM profile MQM_profile;

How to purge/flush a single SQL PLAN from shared pool in Oracle

How to purge/flush a single SQL PLAN from shared pool in Oracle

Purging a SQL PLAN from shared pool is not a frequent activity , we generally do it when a query is constantly picking up the bad plan and we want the sql to go for a hard parse next time it runs in database.

Obviously we can pass a hint in the query to force it for a Hard Parse but that will require a change in query , indirectly change in the application code , which is generally not possible in a business critical application.

We can flush the entire shared pool but that will invalidate all the sql plans available in the database and all sql queries will go for a hard parse. Flushing shared pool can have adverse affect on your database performance.

Flush the entire shared pool :-

Alter system flush shared_pool;

Flushing a single SQL plan from database will require certain details for that sql statement like address of the handle and hash value of the cursor holding the SQL plan.

Steps to Flush/purge a particular sql plan from Shared pool :-

SQL>  select ADDRESS, HASH_VALUE from GV$SQLAREA where SQL_ID like 'cv6zspbpkzzka';

---------------- ----------
000000085FD77CF0  808321886

Now we have the address of the handle and hash value of the cursor holding the sql. Flush this from shared pool.

SQL> exec DBMS_SHARED_POOL.PURGE ('000000085FD77CF0, 808321886', 'C');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL>  select ADDRESS, HASH_VALUE from V$SQLAREA where SQL_ID like 'cv6zspbpkzzka';

no rows selected

SQL plan flushed for above particlar sql, Now next time above sql/query will go for a hard parse in database.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Creating a table and inserting 1 hundred thousand record

Creating a table and inserting 1 hundred thousand record

create table mqm1 (id varchar2(20));

for i in 1..100000 loop
insert into mqm1 values(i);
end loop;