
Monday, November 23, 2015



Autoconfig is a most powerful tool in Oracle Applications to configure oracle Applications Tier as well Database Tier.

Cycle of autoconfig: calls from $AD_TOP/bin which inturn calls from $AD_TOP/bin

When we run autoconfig using "" it calls file and which in turn calls script. is main script which start the autoconfig engine.If we lost it not possible to run autoconfig.

Once we lost file its not possible to re generate it.We have to copy it from other server.

If anything miss we will go for autoconfig.

Same as if we lost and script it is not possible to re-generate from autoconfig, because Both 

are the shell scripts, So its not possible to regenerate it. We need to copy both the files from other server.

AutoConfig Tools: - This script is used for running AutoConfig.


On Applications Tier:
<INST_TOP>/admin/scripts  or $ADMIN_SCRITPS_HOME

On Database Tier:
<RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME> - This script may be run before running AutoConfig to review the changes on running AutoConfig.


On Applications Tier:

On Database Tier:
<RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin - This script is used while applying patches to the database tier. Running this script generates, which may be copied over to the database tier to migrate the patch to the database tier.


On Applications Tier:
<AD_TOP>/bin - This script can be used to find out detailed information about context variables 

and the templates in which they are used, given all or part of a context variable name as a keyword.


On Applications Tier:

On Database Tier:
<RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin - This script can be used to gather information regarding the location of the AutoConfig templates, 

provided the location of the instantiated files and vice versa.


On Applications Tier:

On Database Tier:

How to run Autoconfig ?

If you want to configure database tier then you have to execute autoconfig script on database tier else if you want to configure on application tier (Middle Tier ) then you have to execute one on middle tier .

What source of information for Autoconfig to update configuration files ?

The configuration information stored about your instance based on which it updates your Instance then this file is xml file also called as Context file and its in $APPL_TOP/admin for Application Tier or $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil in Database Tier

Run AutoConfig on the Database Tier

Running AutoConfig on the database tier is required in the following scenarios:

After migrating a patch to the database tier, the Check Config utility reports any potential changes to the templates.
After customizations on the database tier
After a database or application tier upgrade
After restoration of the database or Oracle Home from a backup tape
After a JDK upgrade on the database tier
After the Net Services Topology Information is manually cleaned up using one of the supported procedures(eg. fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean). Subsequently, AutoConfig must be run on the application tier nodes.
After registration of a RAC node.
After setting up the APPL_TOP on a shared file system.
All other cases where documentation says that AutoConfig should be run on the database tier.
Execute the following command to run AutoConfig on the database tier. 


sh RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/CONTEXT_NAME/ 

Run AutoConfig on the Application Tier

Running AutoConfig on the Application tier is required in the following scenarios:

You made updates to a context file (via Oracle Applications Manager).
An OracleMetaLink note instructs you to run AutoConfig as part of an upgrade, migration, cloning and/or configuration 

The README of an Oracle patch instructs you to run AutoConfig after the application of the patch.
You apply any ADX product patch.


sh INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ 


Rolling Back an AutoConfig Session:

Each AutoConfig run of creates a rollback script you can use to revert to the previous configuration settings if necessary.

The script and all backup configuration files from each AutoConfig session are stored in---

Application: INST_TOP/admin/out/MMDDhhmm

Database: RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/out/MMDDhhmm

where: <MMDDhhmm> = (month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig run) 

You can run (UNIX) or restore.cmd (Windows) to roll back an AutoConfig session.

To roll back an AutoConfig session, execute---


1)The database server and the database listener must remain available during the AutoConfig run. Only the application tier servers should be shut down.

2)Running AutoConfig may change your existing environment files. After running AutoConfig, you should always set the environment before you run any Applications utilities, in order to apply the changed environment variables.

Here is the actual script location of Autoconfig:

For Database tier its: $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
For Application Tier its: $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME or $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME


Bounce the services of the tier you are running AutoConfig on -- It's always recommended to bounce all services if you run AutoConfig on all tier nodes. In production, it's highly recommended

The database server and the database listener must remain available during the AutoConfig run. All the other database tier services should be shut down.

Running AutoConfig may change your existing environment files. After running AutoConfig, you should always set the environment before you run any Applications utilities, in order to apply the changed environment variables.

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