
Monday, November 23, 2015

Oracle Ebs Basics

Oracle Ebs Basics

What is ERP?

ERP stands for enterprise resource planning.
The package which contains application, software and database etc is said to be ERP package.
What is ERP and why ERP software need for Organization?
Enterprise Resource Planning
ERP: ERP is the software used by companies to plan and Manage the basic commercial functions of their business, such as budgeting, accounting, human resources, material flows, etc. Leading examples are such products as Oracle Applications(EBS) from Oracle
Corporation, SAP from SAP, RAMCO from Ramco Systems, and Microsoft Dynamics from Microsoft etc.
Ideally, ERP delivers a single database that contains all data for the software modules, which would include:
* Manufacturing
Engineering, bills of Material, Scheduling, Capacity, Workflow Management, Quality Control, Cost Management, Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing
Projects, Manufacturing Flow
* Supply Chain Management : Inventory, Order entry, Purchasing, Product configuration, Supply Chain Planning, Supplier Scheduling, Inspection of goods, Claim Processing, Commission Calculation etc.
Example for Uses of ERP Software:
A Manufacturing Example
When an order comes in from sales, most small manufacturing companies follow a complex process to deliver that product on time to their customer. Imagine Ram the salesperson at the XYZ gadget Company getting an order for gadgets. Ram passes the order to Shyam in manufacturing so that he can schedule the use of the gadget -making machine. Shyam then calls Kumar in inventory so that he can make sure there are enough widget-making
materials in inventory to meet the order. Shyam then calls Hedy in Human Resources so that she can arrange enough people to work the machine when the run is scheduled. Additionally, someone must tell Arun in the warehouse so that he can check to see if there is enough warehouse space to house the gadgets while the order is being manufactured, and then someone must tell Anil in shipping so that he can schedule trucks and drivers to
pick up and deliver the order to the customer. Accounting and purchasing must also get involved to buy inventory, bill the customer and pay the employees. This complex series of events, from the initial order to the delivery of a product, is known as the “supply chain.” At the XYZ Gadgets Company, this process works as long as no one misses his part of the process or is on vacation. And it works as long as XYZ does not have too many orders
to keep track of, but once XYZ reaches a certain size, or decides to grow into a major operation, an ERP is the only way to make it possible.

ERP available in the market

The most famous ones are ORACLE APPS(oracle applications from oracle corporation) and SAP.
Oracle apps is more used in finance side.
SAP is more used in manufacturing side.
Oracle apps is bug included where as SAP is bug free.

Two types of applications in EBS:

1. Forms
2. Java (or) HTML self service user enabled application service
Types of web servers:
1. Apache/Tomcat servers
2. OHS
3. IHS
4. iplannet

Types of application services:

1. 9i AS
2. 10g AS
3. Weblogic server
5. IIS
6. Netweaver
7. Websphere

Single node:

If the database and application services maintained on only one server ,then it is said to be single node.

Multi node:

If the database and application services are maintained on different servers, then it is said to be multi node.
Server: A server is a process or group of processes that runs on a single machine and provides a particular functionality, it often referred as a service.
for example, HTTP(apache) server is process that listen for and processes HTTP requests Forms server is a process that listen for and processes request for activities related to Oracle forms.


Tier is a logical grouping of services, potentially spread across more than one physical machine.
Three tier architecture that comprises an Oracle E-business suite installation is made up of the Database tier, which supports and manages that various Oracle database.
Application tier: which supports and manages various applications components and is sometimes known as middle tier and the Desktop tier, which provides user interface via an add-on component to a standard web browser
Oracle Apps provides a environment file which sets the environment of database. This file ends with .ENV extension it is located in ORACLE_HOME.

Naming convention: CONTEXT_NAME.env
ex: mohdqadar_linux.env
where mohdqadar=database name
and linux=server name

This file is automatically generated by autoconfig. It contains:
4) The context_file variable stores the location of context file.
5) The context_name variable stores the value for concurrent context


Form server
Report server
Concurrent manager
Admin server
Discoverer server
Apps listener
All the above services are started by using scripts. All these scripts are located under:

$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$context_name----------in 11i
$INST_TOP/admin/scripts--------------------------in r12

1) APACHE :-
Apache will communicate with Desktop and Db tier
It is open source and supports http/https request
it supports static pages
default port number is 8000.
configuration file location= IAS_ORACLE_HOME/apache/apache/conf <httpd.conf>
this is responsible to manage services to html page. Internally it takes a executable name apachectl under IAS_ORACLE_HOME/apache/apache/bin
file :-
syntax : ./ {start/stop/status}
ps -ef|grep http (or) ps -ef|grep -i apache

This is responsible to view Oracle forms
We can perform DML operations in forms server
We are getting forms from developers.

Default port number is 9000.
Compiling forms in Oracle Ebs:
frmcmp_batch-------in r12------10.1.2/bin
f60gen-------------in 11i------8.0.6/bin
Configuration file location= appsweb.cfg it stores the all configuration details for form server
AU_TOP contains all fmb file
.fmb===before compiling
.fmx===after compiling
file :-
syntax : ./ {start/stop/status}
ps -ef|grep -i f60webmx

This is responsible to run/generating reports
It deals with DQL/select statements are used.
.rdf (Report definition file) is an extension.

Obsolete in r12
Default port number is 7000.
file :-
syntax : {start/stop/status}

This is responsible to run concurrent requests
Concurrent means simultaneously/ parallel
long running (or) resource intensive jobs
file :-
syntax : {start/stop/abort/status} <apps/apps>
ps -ef|grep -i FND/FNLIBR

There is a separate listener for applications which is responsible for :
1) To start and stop concurrent manager
2) To view log and out files
APPS listener: Applications listener is a combination of FNDFS and FNDSM executables
Apps listener name will be APPS_<SID>
FNDFS:-  stands for file server, which is responsible to show log and output files of concurrent request on the editor, when you click/view log and out button from front-end, this executables is responsible to show result, this is also called as RRA (report review agent)
FNDSM:- stands for service manager which is the agent for generic service manager, which monitor all application processes, when the GSM enable profile value set to 'Y', this agent is responsible to bring up the application services, when they go down on that particular application node
Note: Even if APPS listener is down, applications will work fine, but only thing is user would be unable to view log/out of concurrent request from front-end.
What is context file ?
Context file is a repository of Oracle Applications, it shows the complete information about applications.
What do you mean by top in Oracle Applications ?
Particular location in Oracle Application is called as top.
When we install the APPS, 3 homes got installed.

---One for Database
---Two for Applications

Database side:

One home is installed for database. We usually referred it as DB_TOP. Its location is stored in environment variable name ORACLE_HOME, and CRD files location is referred as DATA_TOP.

Applications side:

Two homes are installed 8.0.6 and IAS.
1) 8.0.6 :- It is referred under ORATOP and its is environment variable named as ORA_TOP----ORACLE_HOME
2) IAS :- it is referred with environment variable name as IAS_ORACLE_HOME
Note:- IAS_ORACLE_HOME contains apache and Jserver related files and information, and all the remaining server run under 8.0.6 home.

What is meant by responsibility ?

Responsibility is a key drive which will provide an access to application users ( What things user can see ). Responsibility many used for one or more tops. Some are java based (JSP) and some are FORM based.


Top is nothing but a particular location. If we want to go inv product files. We referred it as INV_TOP. for example gl GL_TOP au AU_TOP and fnd FND_TOP

Concurrent Managers

Configuration files:-
No file at filesystem level contain concurrent managers definition. Concurrent manager definition and configuration information is stored inside database in FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES table in applsys schema. That is the reason we need to provide apps schema and password while we start/stop cocurrent managers


AOL Jtest is used to check the different logins, plsql engine, jserv engine, servlet engine of Oracle applications components.
To run this test web server should be up and running.
Url to access this test:
eg: htpp://

It will display the screen similar to the following inputs
Apps schema name: apps
Apps schema password: <apps passwd>
Oracle sid: test ---> Database name
Hostname: appsnet ---> Linux server name
Port number: 1521 ---> Database port
Click on "TEST" button


In APPS, we usually referrds ome locations as TOPS. There are many tops in ORACLE APPS, most important tops are :
---> ORA_TOP


It contains all products information, core directories and environment files ( normal and custom ). Some of the important tops are :
Core directories are AD, FND, AR, WORKFLOW and AU each and every directory contains its own forms, reports, javafiles package scripts etc, for each top there is a schema created on database, and each schema is associated with tablespace and schema tables has synonyms, views prvented on APPS schema.


The files in common_top are shared i.e The files that are used and shared across the systems are present in common_top.
It contains scripts which are used to start and stop application services, these scripts are present under admin directory (11i)

It contains jsp and html pages which are opened when we click on certain links. These are present in under html directory.
We referred html directory location as OA_HTML.
It contains jar files. These are located under java directory, and these jar files are shared.
It contains document root location. It is under portal directory
$ cd portal $contextname

It contains html files, which are initial files, they are:
a) applist.html
b) index.html
c) logon.html
d) machine.html
It contains JDK files, these files are under:
cd util/jre/1.1.3


It contains 2 ORACLE HOMES for applications. We usually referred it as ORA_TOP, but there is no environment file for variable like this.


1) Environment file:- This file is created when we install Oracle Apps. It is located under ORACLE_HOME (9i/10g)
Name : Mohdqadar_dba2k10.env
2) XML file:- This file is also called as context file. This is used to run autoconfig. It is located under $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil

Name : Context_name.xml

ex: Mohdqadar_appsdba2k10.xml
This file contains all the information related to database. It contains:
Listener port (db)
Character set
SGA params info
datafile directories
rapidwiz locations
jre path
libpath etc

APPLICATIONS SIDE:- Contains 4 environment files.

1) It is a main file, it is located under APPL_TOP.
Syntax: Apps<context_name>.env
name: Appsqadar_dba.env
This file will call the remaining env files, another file is located and it is equvalent to above file.
Name: APPSORA.env

2) Second one is located under APPL_TOP.
Syntax: context_name.env
Name: Mohdqadar_dba2k10.env

The APPL env variable is the filename fof this ifle, it contains platform, appl_top location, fndnan (it is a name of your AOL schema)
GWYUID ( it is schemaname and password for your public schema )
fnd_top location, location of all tops (functions) ld_library path, perl paths, fnd_secure, ias_oracle_home, common_top etc

3) Third file is located under 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME
Syntax: context_name.env
name: Mohqadar_dba2k10.env
It contains ORACLE_HOME location, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH, TNS_ADMIN, TWO_TASK etc, it is used to set ORACLE_HOME.

4) Fourth file is created under APPL_TOP. It is custom environment file.


It is very key file for configuration. It is located under APPL_TOP/admin
Syntax: context_name.xml
Name: Qadar_prod.xml
It contains all the information about hte application services, it contains ORACLE_HOME, IAS_ORACLE_HOME, APPL_TOP all product tops, database name, version of apps, user like (sys, apps, guest, gwuyid) hostname, domain name, all ports ( forms, reports, listener, apache, jserver) portal, rapidwiz location, install location, clone location dbuser, dbgroup, appsuser, appsgroup, html_top, jretop, two_task, path, library paths, tns_admin listener file, ifile, env files, jinitiator etc.

The purpose of XML file is to set :-
1) To set environment
2) To run autoconfig ( to generate configuration files)
3) To start and stop services.
Note: APPSORA.env in APPL_TOP is similar to APPS<context_name>

This is used by Adutilities.
Name : adconfig.txt
Location: APPL_TOP/admin

Adodfcmp odf odffile

Under every product_top directory, there is a directory $PROD_TOP/admin/odf. This is where most all views, indexes, tables and sequences are created from these *.odf files.
To recompile the views, indexes, tables or sequences you must use the utility adodfcmp located in $AD_TOP/bin, this utility compares the information of the object against the ODF file and repairs what is broken.

Utility scripts

Utility script to display configuration of Oracle Applications, this script will tell you what are the modules are installed and other so much information.
Name: adutconf.sql
Location: cd $AD_TOP/sql.

Note: we need to connect from APPS schema to run this script.

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