
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Data pump Schema Refresh

Data pump Schema Refresh

Schema refresh is an regular job for any DBA specially during migration projects, so today I decide to post about a schema refresh

Assuming here schema(SCOTT) is  refreshed  from source(PROD) to Target(TEST) on oracle 11g server

SQL>  select  banner  from  v$version;

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE      Production

TNS for Linux: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production

On Source side (PROD) ,

Create a directory or use an existing directory (ex: data_pump_dir) and grant read and write permissions on this directory to user ‘SYSTEM‘

SQL >   grant  read, write  on  directory  data_pump_dir  to   system;

Grant Succeeded.

Step 1:   Exporting the data from prod(source)

$   vi

$  expdp  system/****@sourcehostname   dumpfile=expdpschema.dmp   Directory=data_pump_dir    logfile=export.log   schemas= scott

$  nohup  sh>refresh_schema.out &

Step 2 :  Copying the dumpfiles from source to target

For copying Dumpfiles from one server to another server we can use either Winscp(Graphical tool for copying files from windows to linux and  vice versa),FTP, SFTP, SCP, etc.

$ scp  expdpschema.dmp   system@TargetHostname:/home/oracle/datapump

Here I’m copying dumpfile from source to the target /home/oracle/datapump  location

Step 3 :  Importing data from dumpfile into target database

Before importing dunpfile into target(TEST) make sure you delete or backup all the objects in that schema, to clear all objects from particular schema run the script from here 

$ impdp  system/****@targethostname   dumpfile=expdpschema.dmp   Directory=data_pump_dir    logfile=import.log   remap_schema= scott:newscott

Step 4 :   Verify target database objects with source

SQL>   select   count(*)  from  dba_objects   where  owner=’NEWSCOTT’ ;

SQL>   select  count(*)  from  dba_tables  where  owner =’NEWSCOTT’;

The above results  should be same as that of source  ‘scott’  schema

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