
Friday, February 19, 2016

Log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG directory

Log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG directory

When ever any Concurrent Request is submitted, log and output files are stored in $APPLCSF/$APPLOG and $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT directories respectively. Apart from *.req files, some other files are also getting stored in $APPLCSF/$APPLOG directory. I would like to give brief description about these files. These are the following files which are getting stored in that directory.

 (a) l<Request ID>.req

This is the Concurrent Request log file. When any concurrent request is submitted, request log file is created in this directory with file name as l<Request ID>.req

(b) Events####.log script writes the log information in to this file, when ever there is any problem with starting of any Application Service.

(c) Error####.log

This file contains the Java Exception Errors.

(d) #####.log

This file keeps the information of starting of Apache Listener.

(e) f60webmx_dump_<PID>

This file is created when ever any Client Forms Session ends abruptly. When user forms session got crash or terminated abruptly that diagnostics information is written into this dump file.  If you want to get rid out of this dump files. Please execute the following stepsSet the FORMS60_CATCHTERM = 0 in Registry (NT) or Environment Variable (Unix/Linux) and bounce the Forms Services

(f) em_<PID>.rti

This file contains Client run time process information. These files are used by Oracle Application Manager and Enterprise Manager for Forms Monitoring Services and are generated by Forms runtime processes. For each f60webmx session, there is one .rti file is created. These files are written to the directory set by parameter $FORMS60_RTI_DIR.  By default these are written into $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG directory. RTI files should be automatically cleaned up when user logs out of the forms session, in case user logs out of the forms sessions abruptly. Then these files are not cleaned up properly. So then you may need to clear these files manually. We can delete the files, but we should not delete these files when users are active

em –> enterprise manager

<PID> –> Process ID of Client

rti –< Run time information In some cases,

we need to delete the FNDCPPUR program log files and output files manually to free up the disk space. Here I am giving UNIX commands to find out and deleting the old files. If your FNDCPPUR program is scheduled to run daily and given AGE Mode value as 7, purge Program has to delete the files which are older than 7 days. But if program did not delete the files, use this command to find out those files.

 Find the Concurrent Request Log and Output files which are not deleted

 find $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG -mtime +7 -name “*.req”
 find $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT -mtime +7 -name “*.out

Delete the Concurrent Request log and output files which are older than 7 Days

find $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG -mtime +7 -name “*.req” -exec rm “{}” “;”
 find $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT -mtime +7 -name “*.out” -exec rm “{}” “;”

Delete other files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG directory

find $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG -mtime +7 -name “*.log” -exec rm “{}” “;”
find $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG -mtime +7 -name “*.mgr” -exec rm “{}” “;”
find $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG -mtime +7 -name “f60webmx*” -exec rm “{}” “;”
find $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG -mtime +7 -name “*.rti” -exec rm “{}” “;”

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