
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Adadmin Utility In Oracle Applications

Adadmin Utility In Oracle Applications

In order to ensure that Oracle Applications system runs smoothly, we must perform routine maintenance tasks. We run

maintenance tasks from the command line using AD Administration. Once we start this utility, it presents the tasks in

menu form, grouped generally by type of activity you will perform. For example, the tasks associated with compiling and

reloading Applications database entities are grouped on the same menu.
We can use AD Administration to complete some runtime tasks during or after an installation or upgrade, or any time

On a broad level the tasks performed by adadmin can be categorized into database activities and Applications file system

management tasks.
Similar to AutoInstall and AutoPatch, adadmin can run parallel workers for most database tasks and some file system


Preliminary Tasks before running Adadmin:

1.Logging in as applmgr.

2.Running the environment file.

3.Verifying if ORACLE_HOME is set properly.

4.Verifying if ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK identifies the correct database.

5.Ensuring that ORACLE_HOME/bin and AD_TOP/bin are in PATH.

6.Shutting down concurrent managers when relinking certain files or performing certain database tasks.

7.Ensuring sufficient temporary disk space.

Running Adadmin:

AD Administration asks you some initial questions.

1.It confirms your APPL_TOP is correct.
Ex: APPL_TOP is set to /u01/oaprod/oaprodappl
2.It asks for the name of the log file.
By default this is adadmin.log
3.It asks if we want to receive an email message if adadmin encounters a failure.
4.Some SQL scripts perform row set processing. Adadmin asks us to set the number of rows these scripts process.
5.It asks us the type of files we currently have.
Ex: Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Do you currently have Oracle Applications forms files installed
in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Do you currently have concurrent program files installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
6.It asks us to confirm the database and database home directory.
7.It asks for the SYSTEM password. It then determines the username for your Application Object Library user.
8.It determines the AOL Schema from information in data dictionary and asks for the password of AOL schema.
9.Adadmin determines other installation information.


The main menu of adadmin presents you with the following six choices

AD Administration Main Menu

1. Generate Applications Files menu

2. Maintain Applications Files menu

3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

5. Change Maintenance Mode

6. Exit AD Administration

The first two options are related to maintaining applications file system and the second two options related to the database activities, the fifth option here is used to put the system in maintenance mode and bring it back from maintenance mode.

1.Generate Applications Files:

If system users are having difficulty accessing messages, forms, or reports, you may be able to resolve the issue by generating the associated files. Or, when you apply a patch that adds or changes product functionality, you may want to generate the associated files after you apply the patch, instead of running the generate driver during the patching downtime. The generate files tasks may be performed on any server, as required.

Under the Generate Applications Files Menu you can perform the following tasks

Generate Applications Files

1. Generate message files

2. Generate form files

3. Generate report files

4. Generate graphics files

5. Generate product JAR files

6. Return to Main Menu

Maintain Applications Files :

Certain maintenance tasks are required to keep your Applications files up to date. For example, you may need to copy product files to a central location or convert files in the APPL_TOP to another character set. These tasks are grouped on the Maintain Applications Files menu.

Maintain Applications Files

1. Relink Applications programs

2. Create Applications environment file

3. Copy files to destinations

4. Convert character set

5. Maintain snapshot information

6. Check for missing files

7. Return to Main Menu

Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities:

To compile or reload database entities, choose the Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities Menu option from the AD Administration Main Menu. You run the tasks on this menu any time you need to compile or reload database objects. For example, after you upload new menu entries or apply a patch that changes the setup of flexfields. Run these tasks only on the node where the core AD technology directories (the administration server) are located.
Under the Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu you can perform the following tasks

Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities

1.Compile APPS schema

2.Compile menu information

3.Compile flexfields

4.Reload JAR files to database

5.Return to Main Menu

Maintain Applications Database Entities:

During normal system use, the integrity of your database can be compromised, for example through user error or after you apply a large patch. It’s a good idea to verify the integrity of database entities as a regular maintenance procedure, or whenever the behavior of your system indicates that database entities may have been corrupted. Some tasks on this menu report on issues, or potential issues, with database entities, and others actually remedy the issues. Run these tasks only on the node where the core AD technology directories (the administration server) are located.

Maintain Applications Database Entities

1. Validate APPS schema

2. Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema

3. Maintain multi-lingual tables

4. Check DUAL table

5. Maintain Multiple Reporting Currencies schema

6. Return to Main Menu

Change Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode is currently: [Disabled].

Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on to the system. See the Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.

Please select an option: 

1. Enable Maintenance Mode

2. Disable Maintenance Mode

3. Return to Main Menu

If you notice the message this menu selection also shows the maintenance status (disabled in our case) of the system.

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