
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Concurrent Managers Fail to Start, No Service Manager Process Spawned OR Fails with: ORA-01427, ORA-06512

Concurrent Managers Fail to Start, No Service Manager Process Spawned OR Fails with: ORA-01427, ORA-06512 

cleanup_node failed due to ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CP_FNDSM", line 29
ORA-06512: at line 1.

The SQL statement being executed at the time o
Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager STANDARD with library /mnt/oraarch1/arch1appl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDLIBR.

Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administrator : 28-MAR-2011 05:36:25
Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 28-MAR-2011 05:36:25
ORACLE error 1422 in get_sm_info


The issue was caused by incorrect node names in the FND_NODES table, the table had not been updated to remove non existent nodes.


1.Stop the services or atleast concurrent manager


3.Run AutoConfig on the database tier.

4.Run AutoConfig on the apps tier.

5.Check if AutoConfig completed successfully.

6.Start the services/concurrent managers and re-test.

Reference metalink Doc ID 470100.1

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