
Sunday, March 20, 2016

HTTP Error Codes

HTTP Error Codes

Basically, the error codes in the 400 and 500 range are the codes that are most common to the end user:

The 400 codes are intended for cases in which the client (Mosaic, Netscape, etc) seems to have caused some sort of problem when asking the server for a html document.

The 500 codes are intended for instances when the Server software (NCSA HTTPD, Netsite, etc.) running on the site that you are contacting is having a problem sending you the html document.

Bad request 400:
This is a fairly common error and basically means that the requested document could not be sent because of syntax error in the URL (site address).

Unauthorized 401:
This is one of the most common error messages and usually means that the Server is expecting some sort of encryption id from the browser (Mosaic, Netscape, etc) and when it does not recieve it, the server issues an error message.

Forbidden 403:
The document you are requesting is "forbidden" meaning that you do not have read privlidges or are not allowed to have the page sent to you.

Not found 404:
This is the most common and is similar to the 400 error. Basically this means that the document you have requested no longer exsists or that the URL (site address) is incorrect.

Internal Error 500:
The server was unable to send the html document to you due to an internal (server software) error.

Not implemented 501:
This error occurs when for example, you have pressed the submit button on a form. The server replys with this error message because it dosen't support the feature that you have requested. This is not a real common error, but typically occurs when new features or forms are implemented.

Service temporarily overloaded 502:
The server cannot process the request due to a high load (whether HTTP servicing or other requests from users). Basically, this is the "if at first you don't suceed..." error. The solution is to try back later at a time when net load or server traffic is lower. Gateway

timeout 503:
This error is caused by the connection timing out, either due to server problems, net problems or client problems. Basically, the request for information stops because the pathway to the web server has been closed.

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