
Friday, March 18, 2016

Program was terminated by signal 25

Program was terminated by signal 25

Error: Signal 25 Concurrent Program Completes with Error


Problem Statement:
When attempting to run a concurrent program which is accessing file "reports.log" in directory $APPLCSF/log/ or $APPLLOG/log then following error occurs:

emsg:was terminated by signal 25

Step to Reproduce:
Run a concurrent program which is accessing file "reports.log" in directory $APPLCSF/log or $APPLLOG/log for its execution.


File size of "reports.log" has reached its maximum limit at operating system which is 2GB. If $APPLCSF/log/reports.log or $APPLLOG/log/reports.log will be huge -- 2GB in size, then reports can not append anything else to it and hence concurrent program accessing reports.log for its execution will error out.


Stop the concurrent manager.

Check the size of reports.log file and if file size is more than 2 GB then rename/truncate existing "reports.log" in directory $APPLCSF/log $APPLLOG/log and create a empty "reports.log".  One can do a find command as well.

$ find $INST_TOP -name reports.log
Check the size of reports.log:

$ ls -l reports.log
Rename/Truncate reports.log:

$ mv reports.log reports.log_bkup

$ touch reports.log

Start the concurrent manager.

Retest the issue.


1. Truncation of file "reports.log" is a regular maintenance work for application DBA's. Make sure that reports log file size should not increase its maximum limit of 2 GB. There is no purge concurrent program to truncate file "reports.log". This maintenance needs to be done manually and regularly depending on number of concurrent program which uses "reports.log". One can safely truncate "reports.log".

2. File Size limit of 2 GB applies to any log/out file generated by EBS process. Any EBS process will error out if the corresponding log/out file limit of 2 GB has been reached and still EBS process has not completed. For example: If APPS or DB listener log file size reaches to 2 GB then APPS or DB listener will get automatically down and won't start until we truncate the listener log file.  One can take a backup of listener log file before truncating them as per the business need.

Reference Metalink Doc ID 842850.1

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