
Thursday, March 24, 2016

RMAN Important Views

RMAN Important Views

select table_name from dict where table_name like 'V$%RMAN%';

V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS è displays details about backup jobs.

V$RMAN_BACKUP_SUBJOB_DETAILS è  merges similar operations within an RMAN session into a single row. For example, if there are four BACKUP DATAFILE <n> commands, three RECOVERY COPY OF DATAFILE commands, and one BACKUP RECOVERY AREA command, this view will contain three rows - one each for BACKUP, ROLLFORWARD, and COPY_DISK_TO_TAPE operation.

V$RMAN_BACKUP_TYPEè displays information about RMAN backup types.
SQL> select * from V$RMAN_BACKUP_TYPE;

---------- -------------
         1 BACKUPSET
         2 SPFILE
         3 CONTROLFILE
         4 ARCHIVELOG
         5 DATAFILE INCR
         6 DATAFILE FULL
         7 DB INCR
         8 RECVR AREA
         9 DB FULL

V$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM : provides descriptions of supported compression algorithms. It is used by the RMAN client.

V$RMAN_CONFIGURATION : Information about RMAN persistent configuration settings.

V$RMAN_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHMS : displays supported encryption algorithms. It is used by the RMAN client to validate user-requested algorithms. This view will list AES128, AES192, and AES256 encryption algorithms for the current release. The default algorithm is AES128.

V$RMAN_OUTPUT : displays messages reported by RMAN. This is an in-memory view and is not recorded in the controlfile. The view can hold 32768 rows.

V$RMAN_STATUS : displays the finished and on-going RMAN jobs. For on-going jobs, this view displays progress and status. The jobs which are in progress are stored only in memory while the finished jobs are stored in the controlfile

V$ARCHIVED_LOG : show which archives have been created, backed up, and cleared in the database.
V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION : shows which blocks have been found to be corrupt during a backup of a backup set            

V$BACKUP_DATAFILE : useful for creating equal-sized backup sets by determining the number of blocks in each datafile. It can also help you find the number of corrupt blocks in the datafile

V$BACKUP_DEVICE : display information about supported backup devices. DISK is  not returned because it is always available

V$BACKUP_FILES : display information about all RMAN backups (image copies and backup sets) and archived logs. The view simulates the LIST BACKUP and LIST COPYcommands

V$BACKUP_PIEC : show backup pieces created for backup sets

V$BACKUP_REDOLOG : show archived logs stored in backup sets

V$BACKUP_SET : show backup sets that have been created

V$BACKUP_SPFILE : display information about server parameter files in backup sets

V$COPY_CORRUPTION : show which blocks have been found to be corrupt during an image copy

V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION : list database blocks marked as corrupt during the most recent RMAN backup

V$RMAN_CONFIGURATION : list information about RMAN persistent configuration settings


V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO, V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO :  backup performance statistics

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