
Monday, April 18, 2016

Installing Oracle Database 10g XE

Installing Oracle Database 10g XE

Describing the step by step installation of oracle database 10g XE on Windows.

1) Run the setup.exe file to start the installation, Welcome screen appears click next.

2) Select the option i accept the terms in the license agreement.

 3) Choose the destination folder and click next.

4) Enter the Password for SYS/SYSTEM users and click next.

5)  Verify the installation summary and click install.

6) You can check the progress of installation.

7) Click finish,

Post Installation steps to configure the database to powerfully support the oracle SOA suite and oracle BPM suite.

1) open the command prompt and navigate to the directory.

    oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN and execute the below command to enter sql prompt.

sqlplus sys/welcome as sysdba
(provide the password for sys which was used while installation)

2) execute the command: show parameter sessions;

you can see the value of sessions is 49.

3) execute the command: alter system reset sessions scope=spfile sid='*';

4) execute the command: show parameter processes;
you can see the value of processes as 40. 

5) execute the command: alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile;

6) Now restart the database.

7) Now check the sessions by executing the command: show parameter session;
 now the value of sessions are modified as 335

8) Now check the processes by executing the command: show parameter processes;
 now the value of processes is modified as 300

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