
Saturday, April 23, 2016

ORA-00955 Error When Applying Patch 9239090

ORA-00955 Error When Applying Patch 9239090


Adpatch log:

FAILED: file mth_pre_upgrade.sql on worker 15 for product mth username MTH.
Deferred: file mth_pre_upgrade.sql on worker 15 for product mth username MTH.              
Assigned: file mth_pre_upgrade.sql on worker  1 for product mth username MTH.
FAILED: file mth_pre_upgrade.sql on worker  1 for product mth username MTH.
Completed: file pji_fin_meas_rec.xdf on worker  6 for product pji username APPS.
Completed: file PSBDSIND.sql on worker  9 for product psb username PSB.
Completed: file aso_quote_pub_price_adj_attr_.xdf on worker 14 for product aso username APPS.
Completed: file aso_quote_pub_line_attribs_36.xdf on worker  7 for product aso username APPS.
Completed: file aso_quote_pub_price_adj_att37.xdf on worker 13 for product aso username APPS.
Completed: file aso_quote_pub_price_adj_rlt38.xdf on worker 16 for product aso username APPS.

There are now 22504 jobs remaining (current phase=A2):
2 running, 0 ready to run and 22502 waiting.

Completed: file pyindelv.sql on worker 10 for product pay username HR.
Completed: file csrrsreg.sql on worker  4 for product csr username CSR.

ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:

FAILED: file mth_pre_upgrade.sql on worker  1.

ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue.


sqlplus -s MTH/***** @/EBSDEV/TEST7/apps/apps_st/appl/mth/12.0.0/patch/115/sql/mth_pre_upgrade.sql
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
ORA-06512: at line 59


The issue is caused by the second time to apply this patch, and MTH_RESOURCES_D_TEMP already exists on the environment.

This can be check with SQL:

SQL>SELECT table_name FROM  user_tables WHERE table_name in ('MTH_RESOURCES_D', 'MTH_RESOURCES_D_TEMP');


If the Table MTH_RESOURCES_D_TEMP already exists on the environment, then Drop it and rerun the script.


This usually occurs if it is the second run of the patch. If it is the second run one can skip the job.

Referene metalink Doc ID 1600384.1

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