
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Oracle Mobile Application Server Changes In Release 12

Oracle Mobile Application Server Changes In Release 12

The following are the changes made in MWA in R12:

-Changes to R12 directory structure
-Changes for Security
-Changes for Autoconfig Engine

The new directories that the MWA server uses in R12 are:


In Oracle apps 11i:

-The MWA server startup files were located under “$MWA_TOP/bin” directory
-The MWA server configuration files were located under “$MWA_TOP/secure” directory

However in Oracle apps R12, these files are available under $INST_TOP/admin/scripts and $INST_TOP/admin/install directories.
You can see files under $MWA_TOP , however those are no longer used by mwa server.

Note: The only exception is the MWA Dispatcher. The MWA Dispatcher startup file continues to reside under $MWA_TOP/bin directory and MWA server uses the same file.

Below mentioned are the location, files and usage of scripts of MWA:

Startup the MWA Server:

How to Use: start <port_number>

Shutdown the MWA Server:

How to use: –login adminuid/pwd stop<port_number> : this can be used only in 11i. –login adminuid/pwd  stop_force <port_number> : This can be used in both R12 and 11i.

Kill a user's MWA Session :

How to use: –login adminuid/pwd killsession <session_name> <port_number>

Startup and Stop  MWA Dispatcher :
How to use: start_dispatcher : to start stop_dispatcher : to stop

Note:  To execute all the mentioned functionalities, the only difference in 11i and R12 is the location :
11i: $MWA_TOP/bin
R12: $INST_TOP/admin/scripts

Perform parameter changes to mwa files in 11i and R12:

Modify configuration parameters like:
a) DBC File location
b) Log level and Logfiles location
c) Default Telnet ports
d) Dispatcher configuration etc.

How to perform:  Modify the corresponding  parameters in the file mwa.cfg.
Location of the file : In 11i : $MWA_TOP/secure and in R12: $INST_TOP/admin/install

1.Modify Device Key configuration mapping :

How to perform:  Modify the corresponding  parameters in the file deviceIP.ini.
Location of the file : In 11i : $MWA_TOP/secure and in R12: $INST_TOP/admin/install

2.Modify MWA Device Profile options :

How to perform:  Modify the corresponding  parameters in the file default_key.ini,gui_key.ini.
Location of the file : In 11i : $MWA_TOP/secure and in R12: $INST_TOP/admin/install

3.Register MWA Services with GSM Framework:

How to perform: username/password
Location of the file : In 11i : $APPL_TOP/prodcomn/admin/install/<s_contextname>/ and in R12: $INST_TOP/admin/install

Security in R12:

In R12, all the scripts that previously accepted the input parameters in the command line now accept
these parameters in the following ways:

-Existing format: <script_name> <command> username/password
-Secure format (for UNIX shell scripts):
-<script_name> <command> <Enter key>
-<username> <Enter key>
-<password> <Enter key>

Changes in Autoconfig engine In R12 MWA:

In R12, Autoconfig manages all MWA services. Because the Autoconfig engine cannot directly use the
existing scripts, wrapper scripts were created for the Autoconfig engine to use. The wrapper scripts use
the existing MWA scripts to manage services.

The wrapper scripts used by autoconfig are:


These scripts are to be used only by the Autoconfig engine. These scripts do not change the existing use of any other scripts.

Autoconfig Scripts

The Autoconfig scripts stopall ( and startall ( manage MWA services when the
following configuration parameters are set to enabled in the environment context file


The default value of these parameters is disabled. Set the parameters to enabled prior to running autoconfig.

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