
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Retention Policy For ADR

Retention Policy For ADR

There are two time attributes which are used to manage the retention of informations in ADR.
Both attributes correspond to a number of hours after which the MMON (Memory Monitor) background process removes the expired ADR data:

- SHORTP_POLICY :  used to purge informations that have a short life.
Default is 720 which corresponds to 30 days - approximately 1 month.

- LONGP_POLICY: to purge ADR contents that have a long life.
Default is 8760 = 365 days = 1 year.

To view and modify these settings, you can either use the Enterprise Manager 11g DB Control GUI or via the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) started from an O/S prompt.

In this note, we will detail you how to check and change the above parameters via ADRCI.

As some of the ADRCI commands (like "show control") do not work with multiple current ADR homes, we need to first select the appropriate homepath:
% adrci

adrci> show home
ADR Homes:
adrci> set home rdbms/v11

To check the current values of SHORTP_POLICY and LONGP_POLICY :
adrci> show control

To set the retention policy values :
adrci> set control (SHORTP_POLICY = 3600)

To get help on the set control command :
adrci> help set control

A few more comments worth to mention:
- Up to, CDUMP files were not purged due to unpublished Bug 6343743.

- Incidents in a "Tracking" state are indefinitely kept in ADR.
To determine the status of an incident :

adrci> show incident -mode detail - p "incident_id=..."

Reference metalink Doc ID 564269.1

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