
Monday, May 30, 2016

Post Activities After Database Cloning

Post Activities After Database Cloning

Here are some Post checklist to check the cloned database environment.

1) Check Database Name and DBID :
After successful creation of clonning on same or different server we should try to change the database name and id.(in case of same server, clone has different name) .It is suggested to changed the DBID of clone database because Recovery Manager (RMAN) distinguishes databases by DBID. For more details click here

2) Edit the Listener.ora and tnsname.ora files :
Edit the listener file to include the new entry of the clonned database.Invoke  the lsnrctl utility and reload the listener. Similarly check the service name in the tnsnames.ora file. Make sure the connection should be connected to cloned database.

3) Check all the schedule jobs :
If we have scheduled any scripts ,then make sure that all the jobs are enabled for the clonned database.

4) Verify the parameter file :
Make sure the location mention in the pfile of the clonned database should be correct. The location and values of the parameter should be valid.

5) Check tempfile  :
After the successful creation of the clone database ,check the tempfile. If there is no tempfile then add the new tempfile in clone database.

6) Check the archivelog :
Generally archivelog mode is disabled for UAT/Cloned databases. In case our production database is in archivelog mode, make sure that the clonned database archiving is disable.

7) Check for database link :
Check for database link present in the cloned environment. Ensure that these are select only dblinks and will not perform any DML in production databases. If  find any ,then you can either drop these or recreate them to point to any UAT or simply remove/hash out tnsnames entry corresponding to these hosts. Also check for any hard coded IP address in host column in DBA_DB_LINKS.

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