
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Oracle Checkpoints

Oracle Checkpoints

Purpose Of Checkpoints:

Database blocks are temporarily stored in Database buffer cache. As blocks are read, they are stored in DB buffer cache so that if any user accesses them later, they are available in memory and need not be read from the disk. When we update any row, the buffer in DB buffer cache corresponding to the block containing that row is updated in memory. Record of the change made is kept in redo log buffer.

On commit, the changes we made are written to the disk thereby making them permanent. But where are those changes written?

To the datafiles containing data blocks? No !!! The changes are recorded in online redo log files by flushing the contents of redo log buffer to them.This is called write ahead logging.  If the instance crashed right now, the DB buffer cache will be wiped out but on restarting the database, Oracle will apply the changes recorded in redo log files to the datafiles.
Why doesn’t Oracle write the changes to datafiles right away when we commit the transaction?

The reason is simple. If it chose to write directly to the datafiles, it will have to physically locate the data block in the datafile first and then update it which means that after committing, user has to wait until DBWR searches for the block and then writes it before he can issue next command. Moreover, writing to datafiles is performed in  units of Oracle data blocks. Each block may contain multiple rows. Modifying even one column in one row of a block will necessitate writing whole of the block. This will bring down the performance drastically. That is where the role of redo logs comes in. The writes to the redo logs are sequential writes – LGWR just dumps the info in redologs to log files
sequentially and synchronously so that the user does not have to wait for long. Moreover, in contrast to DBWR which writes data blocks, LGWR will write only the changes vectors .

Hence,  write ahead logging also improves performance by reducing the amount of data written synchronously. When will the changes be applied to the datablocks in datafiles? The data blocks in the datafiles will be updated by the DBWR asynchronously in response to certain triggers. These triggers are called checkpoints.Checkpoint is a synchronization event at a specific point in time which causes some / all dirty blocks to be written to disk thereby guaranteeing that blocks dirtied prior to that point in time get written.
Whenever dirty blocks are written to datafiles, it allows oracle
- to reuse a redo log : A redo log can’t be reused until DBWR writes all the dirty blocks protected by that logfile to disk. If we attempt to reuse it before DBWR has finished its checkpoint, we get the following message in alert log : Checkpoint not complete.
- to reduce instance recovery time : As the memory available to a database instance

increases, it is possible to have database buffer caches as large as several million buffers. It requires that the database checkpoint advance frequently to limit recovery time, since infrequent checkpoints and large buffer caches can exacerbate crash recovery times significantly.
- to free buffers for reads : Dirtied blocks can’t be used to read new data into them until they are written to disk. Thus DBWrR writes dirty blocks from the buffer cache, to make  room in the cache.

Different types of checkpoints.

- Full checkpoint
– Thread checkpoint
- File checkpoint
- Parallel Query checkpoint
- Object checkpoint
- Log switch checkpoint
_ Incremental checkpoint
Whenever a checkpoint is triggered :
- DBWR writes some /all dirty blocks to datafiles
- CKPT process updates the control file and datafile headers


- Writes block images to  the database for all dirty buffers from all instances.
- Statistics updated
  . DBWR checkpoints
  . DBWR checkpoint buffers written
  . DBWR thread checkpoint buffers written
- Caused by :
  . Alter system checkpoint [global]
  . ALter database begin backup
  . ALter database close
  . Shutdown [immediate]
- Controlfile and datafile headers are updated
  . Checkpoint_change#


– Writes block images to the database for all dirty buffers from one instance
- Statistics updated
  . DBWR checkpoints
  . DBWR checkpoint buffers written
  . DBWR thread checkpoint buffers written
- Caused by :
  . Alter system checkpoint local
- Controlfile and datafile headers are updated
  . Checkpoint_change#


When a tablespace is put into backup mode or take it offline, Oracle writes all the dirty blocks from the tablespace to disk before changing the state of the tablespace.
- Writes block images to the database for all dirty buffers for all files of a tablespace from all instances
- Statistics updated
  . DBWR checkpoints
  . DBWR tablespace checkpoint buffers written
  . DBWR checkpoint buffers written
- Caused by :
  . Alter tablespace xxx offline
  . Alter tablespace xxx begin backup
  . Alter tablespace xxx read only
- Controlfile and datafile headers are updated
  . Checkpoint_change#


Parallel query often results in direct path reads (Full tablescan or index fast full scan). This means that blocks are read straight into the session’s PGA, bypassing the data cache; but that means if there are dirty buffers in the data cache, the session won’t see the most recent versions of the blocks unless they are copied to disk before the query starts – so parallel queries start with a checkpoint.
- Writes block images to the database for all dirty buffers belonging to objects accessed by the query from all instances.
- Statistics updated
  . DBWR checkpoints
  . DBWR checkpoint buffers written
- Caused by :
  . Parallel Query
  . Parallel Query component of Parallel DML (PDML) or Parallel DDL (PDDL)
- Mandatory for consistency
- Controlfile and datafile headers are updated
  . Checkpoint_change#


When an object is dropped/truncated, the session initiates an object checkpoint telling DBWR to copy any dirty buffers for that object to disk and the state of those buffers is changed to free.
- Writes block images to the database for all dirty buffers belonging to an object from all instances.
- Statistics updated
  . DBWR checkpoints
  . DBWR object drop buffers written
- Caused by dropping or truncating a segment:
  . Drop table XXX
  . Drop table XXX Purge
  . Truncate table xxx
  . Drop index xxx
- Mandatory for media recovery purposes
- Controlfile and datafile headers are updated
  . Checkpoint_change#


- Writes the contents of the  dirty buffers whose information is protected by a redo log to the database .
- Statistics updated
  . DBWR checkpoints
  . DBWR checkpoint buffers written
  . background checkpoints started
  . background checkpoints completed
- Caused by log switch
 – Controlfile and datafile headers are updated
  . Checkpoint_change#


Prior to Oracle 8i, only well known checkpoint was log switch checkpoint. Whenever LGWR filled an online logfile, DBWR would go into a frenzy writing data blocks to disks, and when it had finished, Oracle would update each data file header block with the SCN to show that file was updated up to that point in time.
Oracle 8i introduced incremental checkpointing which triggered DBWR to write some dirty blocks from time to time so as to advance the checkpoint and reduce the instance recovery time.
Incremental checkpointing has been implemented using two algorithms :
 – Ageing algorithm
- LRU/TCH algorithm

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