
Monday, May 29, 2017

OPP Manager Error 'ORA-600 [kqludp2]' Unable To Publish XML Reports

OPP Manager Error 'ORA-600 [kqludp2]' Unable To Publish XML Reports

Applies to:

Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version 12.1.3 to 12.1.3 [Release 12.1]
Oracle Application Object Library - Version to [Release 11.5]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In / BI Publisher 5.6.3

After recently upgrading the database to10g, when attempting to run any BI Publisher report the request completes with warning and no output is produced.  The request log show there to be no Output Post Processor available or running, however, the concurrent administration form shows the OPP manager to be running.

ICM log has references to 'get_cart_appl failed due to ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded'
Review of the OPP log shows the following error occurring:
[EXCEPTION] [OPPServiceThread0] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kqludp2], [0x9EAFC1B0], [0], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CP_OPP_IPC", line 85
ORA-06512: at line 1

at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPAQMonitor.initAQ(
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPAQMonitor.init(
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPAQMonitor.initialize(
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread.init(

NOTE: This issue also occurs after applying the Patch:20395533:R12.AD.B.DELTA.6 (This is a pre-req for HR RUP8 20000288).

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Run any BI Publisher report

Due to this issue, users are unable to run XML reports

This is Unpublished Bug 5895677 ATG11510RUP5D5:FUNC:STARTING OPP GIVES ORA-600[KQLUDP2] CAN'T RUN XDO WITH CP.

Seeing the following in the OPP log:
[EXCEPTION] [OPPServiceThread0] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kqludp2], [0x9EAFC1B0], [0], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CP_OPP_IPC", line 85
ORA-06512: at line 1
at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(


1. Shut down all services
Also, verify NO CP processes are running on OS. This includes FNDLIBR, FNDSM, etc.

 2. Run $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afopp001.sql as SYSTEM.

3. Run $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afopp002.sql as APPLSYS.  Commit.

4. Restart managers and test again.

Reference metalink Doc ID 1083510.1

Sunday, May 28, 2017

OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR : An exception of type "OPatchException" has occurred - 10.1.2 Home in EBS R12

OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR : An exception of type "OPatchException" has occurred - 10.1.3 Home in EBS R12

Error Stack  from "opatch lsinvenory":

[oracle@oracle[test/apps/10.1.3]#opatch lsinventory

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2007 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from

Oracle Home           : test/apps
Oracle Home Inventory : test/apps/inventory
Central Inventory     : test/apps/inventory
from                  : /etc/oraInst.loc
OUI location          : test/apps/oui
OUI shared library    : test/apps/oui/lib/ibm_aix/
Java location         : test/apps/jre/1.4.2/bin/java
Log file location     : test/apps/.patch_storage//*.log

Creating log file "test/apps/.patch_storage/LsInventory__11-04-2014_13-26-09.log"

LsInventory: OPatch Exception while accessing O2O
OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR  : An exception of type "OPatchException" has occurred:
OPatch Exception:
OUI found no such ORACLE_HOME set in the environment
Can not get details for given Oracle Home
An exception occurs

There is no Interim Patch

OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR  : An exception of type "OPatchException" has occurred:
Can not get a list of inventory on this home.

ERROR: OPatch failed because of Inventory problem.

As a workaround downloaded the latest opatch utility but still same Issue exists.


ORACLE_HOME (10.1.3) not exists in the central Inventory. Hence the Opatch is failing.


Attach (10.1.3) ORACLE_HOME to an existing Inventory/new Inventory  using OUI - Installer.

[oradev@ERPDEV[/oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui/bin]#./runInstaller -silent -attachHome ORACLE_HOME=/oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME_NAME=test_1013_home
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking installer requirements...

Checking operating system version: must be 5200, 5300 or 6100

All installer requirements met.

Checking operating system packages: bos.adt.base,bos.adt.lib,bos.adt.libm,bos.perf.libperfstat,bos.perf.perfstat,bos.perf.proctools,X11.motif.lib    Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 1536 MB.   Actual 10240MB    Passed
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 1000 MB.   Actual 1264 MB    Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2014-11-04_02-22-21PM. Please wait ...[oradev@ERPDEV
[/oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui/bin]#'AttachHome' was successful.


Now run opatch and check it should work fine.

[oradev@ERPDEV[/oradev]#opatch lsinventory

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2007 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from

Oracle Home           : /oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3
Oracle Home Inventory : /oradev/R12_app/apps/Inventory
Central Inventory     : /oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/inventory
   from               : /etc/oraInst.loc
OUI location          : /oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui
OUI shared library    : /oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui/lib/ibm_aix/
Java location         : /oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/jre/1.4.2/bin/java
Log file location     : /oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/.patch_storage//*.log

Creating log file "/oradev/R12_app/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/.patch_storage/LsInventory__11-04-2014_14-24-29.log"


There is no Interim Patch

OPatch succeeded.


These steps will be applicable also for 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME of EBS R12 Instance.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How to Find Sessions Generating Lots of Redo or Archive logs

How to Find Sessions Generating Lots of Redo or Archive logs

To find sessions generating lots of redo, you can use either of the following methods. Both methods examine the amount of undo generated. When a transaction generates undo, it will automatically generate redo as well.

The methods are:

1) Query V$SESS_IO. This view contains the column BLOCK_CHANGES which indicates how much blocks have been changed by the session. High values indicate a session generating lots of redo.

The query you can use is:

SQL> SELECT s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.program,i.block_changes FROM v$session s, v$sess_io i WHERE s.sid = i.sid ORDER BY 5 desc;

Run the query multiple times and examine the delta between each occurrence of BLOCK_CHANGES. Large deltas indicate high redo generation by the session.

2) Query V$TRANSACTION. This view contains information about the amount of undo blocks and undo records accessed by the transaction (as found in the USED_UBLK and USED_UREC columns).

The query you can use is:

SQL> SELECT s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.program, t.used_ublk, t.used_urec FROM v$session s, v$transaction t WHERE s.taddr = t.addr ORDER BY 5 desc, 6 desc, 1, 2, 3, 4;

Run the query multiple times and examine the delta between each occurrence of USED_UBLK and USED_UREC. Large deltas indicate high redo generation by the session.

You use the first query when you need to check for programs generating lots of redo when these programs activate more than one transaction. The latter query can be used to find out which particular transactions are generating redo.

Reference metalink (Doc ID 167492.1)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

E-Business Suite R12 Opatch for 10.1.3 Fails with Error MISSING_COMPONENT: oracle.j2ee, This Oracle Home does not have components/versions required by the patch. OPatch failed during prerequisite check.

E-Business Suite R12 Opatch for 10.1.3 Fails with Error MISSING_COMPONENT: oracle.j2ee, This Oracle Home does not have components/versions required by the patch. OPatch failed during prerequisite check.

Applies TO:

Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Stack - Version 12.1.3 to 12.2.5 [Release 12.1 to 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


E-Business Suite 12.1.3 Applications Technology Stack, HTTP Server issues

Applying Patch on EBS 12.1.3 to the 10.1.3 home fails with the following error:

MISSING_COMPONENT : oracle.j2ee,

This Oracle Home does not have components/versions required by the patch.

Error: OPatch failed during prerequisite check.


The wrong environment file was sourced.

If the wrong environment file is sourced, Opatch will perform the prerequisite check against the wrong $ORACLE_HOME. The problem can occur in a number of different cases, including the upgrade of the Workflow Mailer.

For example, this Error can occur when trying to apply Patch 9452181 to upgrade the java mailer to API 1.4.3 per the following document:

Note 2077434.1 - Configuring an Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer with Cloud E-Mail Servers (Doc ID 2077434.1)


The $ORACLE_HOME for applying a patch to the 10.1.3 home should be the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME.

To resolve the "MISSING_COMPONENT : oracle.j2ee," prerequisite error, test the following steps in a development instance and then migrate accordingly:

1. Confirm in the readme the patch is to be applied to the 10.1.3 home. The following should be seen in the patch readme:

Product Version # :

2. Confirm that $ORACLE_HOME is set properly with the echo command:


The output from the above should match the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME, which is the 10.1.3 home for E-Business Suite 12.1.3

3. If $ORACLE_HOME is not the same as the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME, source the environment file located in the following directory and repeat step 2 to confirm the right $ORACLE_HOME is set:


To find the environment file in $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/ use the following command:

$ 'ls *.env'

4. With the right $ORACLE_HOME set, apply the patch and confirm the error is resolved.


If the issue still occur, check which 10.1.3 HTTP server version is being used via the following step:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin

Check for Installed product under 10_1_3 oracle_home, and expand Oracle Application Server 10g.

If you see that you are on the, then you need to upgrade HTTP Server to

Reference metalink Doc ID 2126230.1

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Useful Metalink Id's

Useful Metalink Id's

10g agent Installation

Note :412424.1 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Release Notes for Solaris (SPARC) 10g Release 3 (
Note :393246.1 install & config of the Agent 1.2 for EM Grid Plug-In 10gR2 for Oracle Applications
Note :308320.1 Install & config of the Agent 1.2 for EM Grid Plug-In 10gR2 for Oracle Applications

11i perfomance

Note :216205.1 Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 11i
Note :244040.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Recommended Performance Patches


Note :438452.1 Performance Tools Quick Reference Guide
Note :301137.1 OS Watcher User's Guide - Diagonostic tools
Note :352363.1 LTOM - The On-Board Monitor User Guide
Note :359395.1 Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 - RAC Cluster Guide
Note :161474.1 Oracle Applications Remote Diagnostics Agent (APPS_RDA)

Jinitiator and web browser for 11i

# Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i (Metalink Note 285218.1)
# Upgrading Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) with Oracle Applications 11i for Windows Clients (Metalink Note 290807.1)
# Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 12.0 (MetaLink Note 389422.1)
# Upgrading JRE Plugin with Oracle Applications R12 (MetaLink Note 393931.1)
#'Upgrading JInitiator with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i' (Metalink Note 124606.1)

Configuring X display on unix

Note :181244.1 Configuring an X Display Server for Applications on Unix Platforms

Applications FAQ

Note Id:285267.1 Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and Database FAQ
Note Id:177610.1 Oracle Forms in Applications FAQ


Note Id:216664.1 FAQ: Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
Note Id:230672.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone
Note Id:364565.1 Troubleshooting RapidClone issues with Oracle Applications 11i
Note Id:398619.1 Clone Oracle Applications 11i using Oracle Application Manager (OAM Clone)

Oracle Applications with Oracle Application Server

Note Id:186981.1 Oracle Application Server with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i FAQ
Note Id:233436.1 Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
Note Id:295606.1 Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Troubleshooting


Note Id:218089.1 Autoconfig FAQ
Note Id:315674.1 How To Verify if Autoconfig is Enabled on 11.5.x
Note Id:165195.1 Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle

Applications 11i

Note Id:341322.1 How to change the hostname of an Applications Tier using AutoConfig
Note Id:270519.1 Customizing an AutoConfig Environment

Oracle Applications and Database

Note Id:362203.1 Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2.0)

Oracle Applications And RAC

Note Id:220970.1 RAC: Frequently Asked Questions
Note Id:294652.1 E-Business Suite 11i on RAC : Configuring Database Load balancing & Failover
Note Id:312731.1 Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC and 10g ASM

DMZ with Oracle Applications

Note Id:287176.1 DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i
Note Id:377856.1 DMZ Reverse Proxy and Middle Tier In Different Domains

SSL and Oracle Applications

Note Id:123718.1 11i: A Guide to Understanding and Implementing SSL for Oracle Applications
Note Id:340178.1 Enabling SSL with Oracle Application Server 10g and the E-Business Suite

Shared APPL_TOP and Application Tier Filesystem

Note Id:243880.1 Shared APPL_TOP FAQ
Note Id:233428.1 Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications 11i


Note Id:174436.1 Oracle Applications Patching FAQ
Note Id:224875.1 Installation, Patching & Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Note Id:139684.1 Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -
Note Id:130608.1 ADPATCH BASICS
Note Id:314540.1 What Log Files are Generated with Adpatch, and Where are They Located?
Note Id:229423.1 Troubleshooting adpatch complaining of existence issues
Note Id:136342.1 How To Apply a Patch in a Multi-Server Environment

Concurrent Managers

Note Id:69336.1 Basic information about Concurrent Managers
Note Id:105133.1 Concurrent Manager Questions and Answers Relating to Generic Platform
Note Id:241370.1 Concurrent Manager Setup and Configuration Requirements in an 11i RAC Environment
Note Id:210062.1 Generic Service Management (GSM) in Oracle Applications 11i

System Administration

Note Id:189487.1 System Administration FAQ's


Note Id:342332.1 Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i (11.5.2 – 11.5.10+)
Note Id:104531.1 Troubleshooting (Report Review Agent)

Portal with Oracle Applications

Note Id:305918.1 Using Oracle Portal 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

Single Sign-On with Oracle Applications

Note Id:233436.1 Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
Note Id:114534.996 OFA Single Sign-on through Apps 11i
Note Id:295606.1 Troubleshooting SSO with Oracle Applications

RDBMS and E-Business Suite Installation and Configuration

118218.1 11i. Installing a Digital Cerificate on both the Server and Client.
252217.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 9iR2 on RHEL3
146469.1 Installation & Configuration of Oracle Login server & Portal3i
146468.1 Installation of Oracle9i Application Server(9iAS)
152775.1 XML gateway installation
165700.1 Multiple Jserv configuration
207159.1 Documentation of 9iAS
210514.1 Express Server WebIV Note numbers
170931.1 Notes on Motif troubleshooting
177610.1 Oracle Forms in Applications FAQ
258021.1 How to monitor the progress of a materialized view refresh (MVIEW)
330250.1 Tips & Tricks To Make Apache Work With Jserv
139684.1 Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -
236469.1 Using Distributed AD in Applications Release 11.5.
96630.1 Cash Management Overview
233428.1 Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications 11i
243880.1 Shared APPL_TOP FAQ
330250.1 Tips & Tricks To Make Apache Work With Jserv
241370.1 Concurrent Manager Setup and Configuration Requirements in an 11i RAC Environment
209721.1 How to Change the Port Number on one Machine, When we Use Multiple Collaboration Suite Tiers
177377.1 How to change passwords in Portal (Database and lightweight user passwords)
304748.1 Internal: E-Business Suite 11i with Database FAQ
166213.1 SPFILE internals ++ INTERNAL ONLY ++
216208.1 Oracle9i Application Server (9iAS) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release

11i Troubleshooting

186981.1 Oracle Application Server with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i

Physical Standby

Note:180031.1 Creating a Data Guard physical standby
Note:214071.1 Creating a Data Guard physical standby with Data Guard Manager
Note:232649.1 Configuring gap resolution
Note:232240.1 Performing a switchover
Note:227196.1 Performing a failover
Note:187242.1 Applying Patchsets with Physical Standby in Place

Logical Standby

Note:186150.1 Creating a logical standby
Note:214071.1 Creating a logical standby with Data Guard Manager
Note:232240.1 Performing a switchover
Note:227196.1 Performing a failover
Note:233261.1 Tuning Log Apply Services
Note:215020.1 Troubleshooting Logical Standbys
Note:210989.1 Applying Patchsets with Logical Standby in Place
Note:233519.1 Known Issues with Logical Standby

Dataguard General Information

Note:205637.1 Configuring Transparent Application Failover with Data Guard
Note:233509.1 Data Guard Frequently Asked Questions
Note:225633.1 Using SSH with 9i Data Guard
Note:233425.1 Top Data Guard Bugs
Note:219344.1 Usage, Benefits and Limitations of Standby RedoLogs
Note:201669.1 Setup and maintenance of Data Guard Broker using DGMGRL
Note:203326.1 Data Guard 9i Log Transportation on RAC
Note:239100.1 Data Guard Protection Modes Explained

Dataguard Configuration Best Practices

Note:240874.1 Primary Site and Network Configuration Best Practices
Note:240875.1 9i Media Recovery Best Practices

Frequently Asked Questions

68993.1 Concurrent Managers on NT
1013526.102 Changing and Resetting Release 11 Applications Passwords
74924.1 ADI (Applications Desktop Integrator) Installation
114226.1 How to Set Up Apache and JSERV w/ Oracle XSQL, JSP, and Developer
146469.1 Installing and Configuring Oracle Login Server and Oracle Portal 3i with Oracle Applications 11i
146468.1 Installing Oracle9i Application Server with Oracle Applications 11i
62463.1 Detailed Guide on How the Intelligent Agent Works
104452.1 Troubleshooting (Concurrent Manager Unix specific)
122662.1 How to change the hostname or domainname of your portal
231286.1 Configuring the Oracle Workflow 2.6 Java-based Notification Mailer with Oracle Applications 11i
230688.1 Basic ApacheJServ Troubleshooting with IsItWorking.class
204015.1 Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i Database Instances Using Oracle8i EE
158818.1 Migrating the Workflow Mailer to the APPLMGR Account
185431.1 Troubleshooting Oracle Applications Manager OAM 2.0 for 11i
177089.1 OAM11i Standalone Mode Setup and Configuration
172174.1 WF 2.6: Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer Architecture in Release 11i
166021.1 Oracle Applications Manager 11i - Pre-requisite Patches
166115.1 Oracle Applications Manager 11i integrated with Oracle Applications 11i
165041.1 Generic Service Management Functionality
204090.1 Generic Service Management Configuration using Applications Context Files
139863.1 Configuring and Troubleshooting the Self Service Framework with Oracle Applications (latest version)
187735.1 Workflow FAQ - All Versions
166830.1 Setting up Real Application Cluster (RAC) environment on Linux - Single node
158868.1 Step by Step, Oracle 9iAS Installation Process
123243.1 Scheduling Web Reports Via Oracle Reports Server CGI
165195.1 Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i

RMAN and Backup & Restore

60545.1 How to Extract Controlfiles, Datafiles, and Archived Logs from RMAN Backupsets

10gR2 Setup Installation, ASM,CRS, RAC , Troubleshooting

471165.1 Additional steps to install 10gR2 RAC on IBM zSeries Based Linux (SLES10)
414163.1 10gR2 RAC Install issues on Oracle EL5 or RHEL5 or SLES10 (VIPCA Failures)
467753.1 Veritas clusterware 5.0 not recognized by Oracle due to the fact that Veritas
467176.1 RAC: Installing RDBMS Oracle Home Hangs The Oui
466975.1 Step to remove node from Cluster when the node crashes due to OS or H/w
330358.1 CRS 10g R2 Diagnostic Collection Guide
401132.1 How to install Oracle Clusterware with shared storage on block devices
392207.1 CSSD Startup fails with NSerr (12532,12560) transport:(502,0,0) during Install
333166.1 CSSD Startup Fails with NSerr (12546,12560) transport:(516,0,0) During install
330929.1 CRS Stack Fails to Start After Reboot ORA-29702 CRS-0184
463255.1 Enable trace for gsd issues on 10gR2 RAC
338924.1 CLUVFY Fails With Error: Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for VIPs
462616.1 Reconfiguring the CSS disktimeout of 10gR2 Clusterware for Proper LUN Failover
461884.1 How To Disable Fatal Mode Oprocd On HP-UX Itanium 10gR2
404474.1 Status of Certification of Oracle Clusterware with HACMP 5.3 & 5.4
329530.1 Using Redhat Global File System (GFS) as shared storage for RAC
458324.1 Increased 'Log File Sync' waits in 10gR2
341214.1 How To clean up after a Failed (or successful) Oracle Clusterware Installation
454638.1 srvctl command failed - An unexpected exception has been detected in native
276434.1 Modifying the VIP or VIP Hostname of a 10g Oracle Clusterware Node
383123.1 PRKP-1001 CRS-215 srvctl Can not Start 2nd Instance
358620.1 How To Recreate Voting And OCR Disk In 10gR1/2 RAC
200346.1 RAC: Frequently Asked Questions
220970.1 RAC: Frequently Asked Questions
269320.1 Removing a Node from a 10g RAC Cluster
430266.1 How to install 10gR2 and 9iR2 on the same node with different UDLM requirement
283684.1 How to Change Interconnect/Public Interface IP Subnet in a 10g Cluster
391790.1 Unable To Connect To Cluster Manager Ora-29701
294430.1 CSS Timeout Computation in RAC 10g (10g Release 1 and 10g Release 2)
414177.1 Executing errors with "Failed To Upg Oracle Cluster Registry Config
390483.1 DRM - Dynamic Resource management
390880.1 OCR Corruption after Adding/Removing voting disk to a cluster when CRS stack
309542.1 How to start/stop the 10g CRS ClusterWare
387205.1 The DB Cannot Start With CRS And ASM
270512.1 Adding a Node to a 10g RAC Cluster
395156.1 Startup (mount) of 2nd RAC instance fails with ORA-00600 [kccsbck_first]
363777.1 How to Completely Remove a Service so that its Service_id Can Be Reused
391112.1 Database Resource Manager Spins Lmon To 100% Of Cpu
365530.1 Permissions not set correctly after 10gR2 installation
357808.1 Diagnosability for CRS / EVM / RACG
284752.1 10g RAC: Steps To Increase CSS Misscount, Reboottime and Disktimeout
332180.1 ASMCMD - ASM command line utility
371434.1 Using Openfiler iSCSI with an Oracle database
338047.1 cluvfy ERROR: Unable to retrieve database release version
183408.1 Raw Devices and Cluster Filesystems With Real Application Clusters
367564.1 Server Reboots When Rolling Upgrading CRS(10gr1 -> 10gr2)
358545.1 is failing with CORE dumps, during CRS installation
343092.1 How to setup Linux md devices for CRS and ASM
295871.1 How to verify if CRS install is Valid
331934.1 RAC Single Instance (ASM) startup fails with ORA-27300/ORA-27301/ORA-27302
341974.1 10gR2 RAC Scheduling and Process Prioritization
341971.1 10gR2 RAC GES Statistics
341969.1 10gR2 RAC OS Best Practices
341965.1 10gR2 RAC Reference
341963.1 10gR2 RAC Best Practices
313540.1 Manually running cvu to verify stages during a CRS/RAC installation
331168.1 Oracle Clusterware consolidated logging in 10gR2
339710.1 Abnormal Program Termination When Installing 10gR2 on RHAS 4.0
337937.1 Step By Step - 10gR2 RAC with ASM install on Linux(x86) - Demo
280209.1 10g RAC Performance Best Practices

216664.1 FAQ: Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
230672.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone
135792.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i

139516.1 Discoverer 4i with Oracle Applications 11i
257798.1 Discoverer 10g (9.0.4) with Oracle Applications 11i
139516.1 Installation of Discoverer 4i


165195.1 Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i
218089.1 Autoconfig FAQ

Real Application Clusters(RAC)

181503.1 Real Application Clusters Whitepapers (OTN)
280209.1 10g RAC Performance Best Practices (INTERNAL ONLY)
302806.1 IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) and Oracle RAC on AIX 5L and IBM eServer pSeries
270512.1 Adding a Node to a 10g RAC Cluster
137288.1 Manual Database Creation in Oracle9i (Single Instance and RAC)
292776.1 10g RAC Lessons Learned
280216.1 10g RAC Reference (INTERNAL ONLY)
269320.1 Removing a Node from a 10g RAC Cluster
226561.1 9iRAC Tuning Best Practices (INTERNAL ONLY)
220178.1 Installing and setting up ocfs on Linux - Basic Guide
208375.1 How To Convert A Single Instance Database To RAC In A Cluster File System Configuration
255359.1 Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS) in Oracle10g
341963.1 10gR2 RAC Best Practices (INTERNAL ONLY)
273015.1 Migrating to RAC using Data Guard
329530.1 Using Redhat Global File System (GFS) as shared storage for RAC
270901.1 How to Dynamically Add a New Node to an Existing 9.2.0 RAC Cluster
203326.1 Data Guard 9i Log Transportation on RAC
169539.1 A Short Description of HA Options Available in 9i
160120.1 Oracle Real Application Clusters on Sun Cluster v3
226569.1 9iRAC Most Common Performance Problem Areas (INTERNAL ONLY)
251578.1 Step-By-Step Upgrade of Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS v1) on Linux
247135.1 How to Implement Load Balancing With RAC Configured System Using JDBC
139436.1 Understanding 9i Real Application Clusters Cache Fusion
285358.1 Creating a Logical Standby from a RAC Primary Using a Hot Backup
222288.1 9i Rel 2 RAC Running on IBM’s General Parallel File System
226567.1 9iRAC Related Init.ora Parameters (INTERNAL ONLY)
210889.1 RAC Installation with a NetApp Filer in Red Hat Linux Environment
341965.1 10gR2 RAC Reference (INTERNAL ONLY)
341969.1 10gR2 RAC OS Best Practices (INTERNAL ONLY)
226566.1 9iRAC Related Latches (INTERNAL ONLY)
220970.1 RAC: Frequently Asked Questions
268202.1 Dynamic node addition in a Linux cluster
332257.1 Using Oracle Clusterware with Vendor Clusterware FAQ
245079.1 Steps to clone a 11i RAC environment to a non-RAC environment
235158.1 How To Enable/Disbale Archive Log Mode on Oracle9i Real Application Cluster
210022.1 How To Add A New Instance To The Existing Two Nodes RAC Database Manually
317516.1 Adding and Deleting a Cluster Node on 10gR2 / Linux
271685.1 How to Run Autoconfig for RAC Environment on Apps Tier Only
278816.1 How to Setup Parallel Concurrent Processing using Shared APPL_TOP for RAC Environment
334459.1 How to change hostname in RAC environment
250378.1 Migrating Applications 11i to use Oracle9i RAC (Real Application Clusters).
295998.1 How to solve corruptions on OCFS file system
345081.1 How to Rename a RAC Database in a 10g Real Application Clusters Environment
312051.1 How To Remove Ocfs From Linux Box.


228516.1 How to copy (export/import) Portal database schemas of IAS 9.0.2 to another database
330391.1 How to copy (export/import) Portal database schemas of IAS 10.1.2 to another database


125767.1 Upgrading Devloper6i with Oracle Applications 11i
216550.1 RDBMS upgrade to 9.2.0
161779.1 Upgradation of HTTP Server
212005.1 Upgrade Oracle Applications to 11.5.8
139863.1 Self Servie Framework Upgrade
112867.1 Express Server & OFA upgrade
124606.1 Jinitiator upgrade
130091.1 JDK upgrade to 1.3
130091.1 Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i to use JDK 1.3
144069.1 Upgrading to Workflow 2.6 with Oracle Applications 11i
159657.1 Complete Upgrade Checklist for Manual Upgrades from 8.X / 9.0.1 to Oracle9

Note 230627.1 - 9i Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i
Note 331221.1 - 10g Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i
Note 362205.1 - 10g Release 2 Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i
Note 277650.1 - How to Use Export and Import when Transferring Data Across Platforms or Acros...
Note 243304.1 - 10g: Transportable Tablespaces Across Different Platforms
Note 341733.1 - Export/Import DataPump Parameters INCLUDE and EXCLUDE - How to Load and Unload.


165195.1 Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i
218089.1 Autoconfig FAQ
270519.1 Customizing an AutoConfig Environment
Application Object Library
177183.1 Succesfully Installing NLS/MLS in 11i

Application Server

230688.1 Basic ApacheJServ Troubleshooting with IsItWorking.class With Applications 11i
146468.1 Installing Oracle9i Application Server with Oracle Applications 11i
146468.1 Installing Oracle9i Application Server with Oracle Applications 11i
237988.1 How to Enable Rotatelog for 9iAS V2 HTTP Server (Log file rotation)
135792.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
230672.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone

Concurrent Manager

105133.1 Concurrent Manager Questions and Answers Relating to Generic Platform
213021.1 Concurrent Processing (CP) / APPS Reporting Scripts
185489.1 Setting Up Parallel Concurrent Processing On Unix Server
241370.1 Concurrent Manager Setup and Configuration Requirements in an 11i RAC Environment

Database with Apps

362203.1 Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2.0)
216205.1 Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications 11i
362135.1 Configuring Oracle Applications 11i with 10g R2 RAC & ASM

Discoverer with Apps

257798.1 Using Discoverer 10g with Oracle Applications 11i
139516.1 Discoverer 4i with Oracle Applications 11i
257613.1 How to check the Discoverer versions installed on UNIX platforms
66698.1 How To Create a Discoverer Desktop, Plus or Viewer Debug Trace For All Platforms
118360.1 How To Configure MS Internet Explorer To Use Jinitiator with Discoverer Plus

Forms with Oracle Apps

125767.1 Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i
167635.1 How To Perform Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) Tracing in Applications 11i
232313.1 Information on Previous Versions of Developer 6i Patchsets
201340.1 Using Forms Listener Servlet with Oracle Applications 11i

JDBC with Oracle Applications

364704.1 A Guide to Configure, Maintain & Troubleshoot JDBC Buffers in Oracle Application
231701.1 How to Find Patching History (10.7, 11.0, 11i)


233428.1 Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications 11i
243880.1 Shared APPL_TOP FAQ

Oracle Apps R12

- Overview of Using Java with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 418664.1)

- Using Latest Update of Java 6.0 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 455492.1)

- Upgrading Oracle 10gAS Patch Set in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 454811.1)

- Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On (Metalink Note 376811.1)

- Using Discoverer 10.1.2 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 313418.1)

- Using Discoverer 10.1.2 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 373634.1)

- X Server Testing and Troubleshooting (153960.1 )

- Oracle Applications Documentation Resources for Release 12 (Metalink Note 394692.1)

- Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources, Release 12 (Metalink Note 391554.1)

- Oracle E-Business Suite: Release 12 Release Content Documents (Metalink Note 404152.1)

- Using Transparent Data Encryption with the E-Business Suite (Metalink Note 403294.1)

- Using Transparent Data Encryption with the E-Business Suite (Metalink Note 403294.1)

- Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 12.0 (MetaLink Note 389422.1)

- Upgrading JRE Plugin with Oracle Applications R12 (MetaLink Note 393931.1)

- Running Oracle Database in Solaris 10 Containers - Best Practices (MetaLink Note 317257.1)

- Support Status for VMWare (MetaLink Note 249212.1)

- Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite (Metalink Note 189367.1)

- Upgrading Sun J2SE (Native Plug-in) with Oracle Applications 12.0 for Windows Clients (Metalink Note 393931.1)

- Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone (Metalink Note 406982.1)

- Using a Staged Applications System to Reduce Patching Downtime (Metalink Note 242480.1)

- Oracle Applications Patching FAQ (Metalink Note 174436.1)

- Recommended Performance Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite (Metalink Note 244040.1)

- Working effectively with Oracle Support (Metalink Note 166650.1)

- Project Documentation Summary for Tuning Oracle Applications (Metalink Note 165300.1)

- Interoperability Notes Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2.0) (Metalink Note 454750.1)

- Using Discoverer 10g with Oracle Applications 11i (Metalink Note 313418.1)

- Using Discoverer 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 373634.1)

- Upgrading Forms and Reports 10g in Oracle Applications Release 12 (Metalink Note 437878.1)

- Using the OracleAS 10.1.2 Forms and Reports Builders with Oracle Applications Release 12 (Metalink Note 444248.1)

- Installing and Configuring Oracle Application Server Web Cache with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 306653.1)

- Installing and Configuring Oracle Web Cache 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite 12 (Metalink Note 380486.1)

- Using Oracle Portal 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 305918.1)

- Using Oracle Portal 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite 12 (Metalink Note 380484.1)

- Getting Started with the Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite (Release 2.0) (Metalink Note 394448.1)

- eBusiness Support Diagnostics Overview (Metalink Note 342459.1)

- eBusiness Suite Support - Diagnostic Tools 11i (Metalink Note 179661.1)

- eBusiness Suite Support - Diagnostic Tools R12 (Metalink Note 421245.1)

- Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone (Metalink Note 406982.1)

- FAQ and Troubleshooting for Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) (Metalink Note 369619.1)

- Using Discoverer 10.1.2 with Oracle E-Business Suite R12 (Metalink Note 373634.1)

- A Holistic Approach to Performance Tuning Oracle Apps (Metalink Note 69565.1)

- Tips and Queries for Troubleshooting Advanced Topologies (Metalink Note 364439.1)

- Troubleshooting Oracle Apps Performance Issues (Metalink Note 169935.1)

- Diagnosing and Resolving Error ORA-04031 (Metalink Note 146599.1)

- Case History: Implementing a Reverse Proxy Alone in a DMZ (Metalink Note 438744.1)

- Oracle E-Business Suite 11i Configuration in a DMZ (Metalink Note 287176.1)

- Release 11i : Oracle Application Developer's Guide (Metalink Note 269138.1)

- Release 12 : Oracle Application Framework Developer's Guide (Metalink Note 394780.1)

- Diagnosing and tuning AOL/J JDBC Pool in Oracle e-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 278868.1)

- Overview of Using Java with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i (Metalink Note 300482.1)

- Upgrading Oracle JDBC Drivers with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 164317.1)

- Oracle Application Framework Profile Options Release 11i (Metalink Note 275876.1)

- Oracle Application Framework Profile Options Release 12 (Metalink Note 395445.1)

- Firewall BLACKOUT and JDBC connections with Oracle Applications 11i(Metalink Note 276557.1)

- Number of JDBC connections increase after ATG Rup 5 because jdbc parameters are lower case (Metalink Note 459072.1)

- Basic troubleshooting of JVM consuming cpu or too many JDBC connections in Apps 11i (Metalink Note 370583.1)

- Diagnosing database invalidation issues with Java Cache for eBusiness Suite (Metalink Note 455194.1)

- Existing Responsibility Does Not Appear after modifying the effective date (Metalink Note 458869.1)

- Investigating NoClassDefFoundError in eBusiness 11i when users login (Metalink Note 455366.1)

- E-Business Suite Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products (Note 277535.1)

- Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 380489.1)

- Oracle Applications Technology Software Updates, Release 12.0.2 (Metalink Note 432635.1)

- Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite (Note 189367.1)

- Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Configuration in a DMZ (Metalink Note 380490.1)

- Oracle Application Server with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Frequently Asked Questions (Note 186981.1)

- Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i and Database FAQ (Note 285267.1)

- Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Technology Stack Documentation Roadmap (Note 207159.1)

- Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone (Metalink Note 230672.1)

- Oracle Applications Release 11i Patching Best Practices and Reducing Downtime (Metalink Note 225165.1)

- Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0.1 Release Update Pack Readme (Note 417917.1)

- Applications DBA (AD): Note 420263.1

- Applications Technology: Note 420081.1

- Customer Relationship Management: Note 418150.1

- Financial Services: Note 418125.1

- Financials: Note 418121.1

- HRMS: Note 417916.1

- Intelligence: Note 419835.1

- Procurement: Note 418126.1

- Projects: Note 418167.1

- Supply Chain Management: Note 420030.1

- Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Technology Stack Documentation Roadmap (Metalink Note 380482.1)

- Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 403537.1)

- Oracle Application Server Diagnostic Tools and Log Files in Applications Release 12 (Metalink Note 454178.1)

- Using Forms Trace in Oracle Applications Release 12 (Metalink Note 373548.1)

- Upgrading Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) with Oracle Applications 11i for Windows Clients (Metalink Note 290807.1)

- Interoperability Notes: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2.0) (Metalink Note 454750.1)

- Using Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with a Database Tier Only Platform on Oracle 10g Release 2 (Metalink Note 456197.1)

- Export/Import Process for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Database Instances Using Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (Metalink Note 454616.1)

- Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes, Release 11i ( (Metalink Note 316806.1)

- Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes, Release 12 (12.0) for HP-UX PA-RISC (Metalink Note 402308.1)

- Using Oracle VM with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i or Release 12 (Metalink Note 465915.1)

- Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search, Release 12 (Metalink Note 462377.1)

- Applications 11.5.10 plus Maintenance Pack 11.5.10 CU2 or later

- Oracle Developer 6i Patchset 18 ( or later (Metalink Note 125767.1)

- Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i (Metalink Note 285218.1)

- Removing Credentials from a Cloned EBS Production Database (Note 419475.1)

- E-Business Suite Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products (Note 277535.1)

- Firefox2 Note 285218.1 (for Release 11i)

- Firefox2 Note 389422.1 (for Release 12)

- About Oracle Fusion Intelligence for E-Business Suite, Release 12.0 (Metalink Note 427835.1)

- About Oracle Fusion Intelligence For E-Business Suite, Release 11i, Family Pack H (Metalink Note 406004.1)

- Working effectively with Oracle Support (Metalink Note 166650.1)

- Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 233428.1)

- Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink Note 384248.1)

- Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i (Note 217368.1)

- Database Initialization Parameters and Configuration for Oracle Applications 11i (Metalink Note 216205.1)

- Metalink Note 287176.1 for Release 11i

- Metalink Note 380490.1 for Release 12

- OracleAS Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite: Statement of Direction (Metalink Note 223927.1)

- Oracle Applications Release 12 Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices (Metalink Note 399362.1)

- Virtual IP Metalink Note 287176.1 (for Release 11i) or Note 380489.1 (for Release 12)

- Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On (Metalink Note 261914.1)

- Database Intialization parameters for Oracle Applications Release 12 (Metalink 396009.1)

- Best practice for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink 403537.1)

- Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink # 384248.1)

- Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Metalink # 380489.1)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Workflow Logfiles And Troubleshooting

Workflow Logfiles And Troubleshooting

Workflow Log file location:

Logs on CM Node at $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDC*.txt

To identify the 4 more recent log files for Workflow Mailer and Agent Listener services, run the

following command:


Current workflow mailer logfile location with sql:

select fl.meaning,fcp.process_status_code, decode(fcq.concurrent_queue_name,'WFMLRSVC','maile r container','WFALSNRSVC','listener container',fcq.concurrent_queue_name), fcp.concurrent_process_id,os_process_id, fcp.logfile_name from fnd_concurrent_queues fcq, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp , fnd_lookups fl where fcq.concurrent_queue_id=fcp.concurrent_queue_id and fcp.process_status_code='A' and fl.lookup_type='CP_PROCESS_STATUS_CODE' and fl.lookup_code=fcp.process_status_code and concurrent_queue_name in('WFMLRSVC','WFALSNRSVC') order by fcp.logfile_name;

Check workflow mailer service current status:
select running_processes from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name = 'WFMLRSVC';

Number of running processes should be greater than 0

To check current mailer status:

select component_status from apps.fnd_svc_components where component_id = (select component_id from apps.fnd_svc_components where component_name = 'Workflow Notification Mailer');

Possible values:


How to determine if the workflow services are up and running:

$FND_TOP/sql/wfver.sql output also shows the status of the workflow services:

Service Instance Status
Workflow Agent Listener Service is enabled -> Actual: 1, Target: 1
Workflow Mailer Service is enabled -> Actual: 1, Target: 1
Workflow Document Web Services Service is enabled -> Actual: 1, Target: 1

The following query also returns the status of the workflow services:

fcp, fnd_svc_components fsc
and fsc.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id(+)
and fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id(+)
and fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id(+)
and fcp.process_status_code(+) = 'A'
order by fcp.OS_PROCESS_ID, fsc.STARTUP_MODE;

The TARGET and ACTUAL columns should be 1. If one of these columns is 1 and the other one zero then the workflow service is not running

What to do when the workflow services go down:

Make sure the Service Component Containers are started from OAM

Login as SYSADMIN in OAM then navigate to:

1. Sitemap > Generic Services > Status Overview > View All > Generic Service Component Container >

select Workflow Agent Listener Service > Start

2. In the same page select Workflow Mailer Service > Start

Now the components should start according with the start mode that is set:

- Automatic
- On-Demand
- Manual

Make sure Concurrent GSM Enable profile option is set to Yes:

select DECODE(b.profile_option_value, 'Y', 'Enabled', 'Disabled') DETAILS
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_option_values b

When the workflow services are down, this is usually solved by running the Concurrent Manager Recovery:

a. Ensure the Concurrent GSM Enable profile option is set to Yes otherwise this action plan won't work

b. Stop the concurrent managers, workflow mailer and wf services

c. Make sure there are no orphan processes
NOTE: The recovery wizard (which is the program you will run in the next steps) They may need to be killed.
This works on Linux for find the Workflow Service processes ps -ef|grep -i FNDCPGSC*.

d. Go into OAM

e. Navigate to Site Map > Concurrent Manager Recovery (under Diagnostics)

f. Click Run Wizard button
If the OAM User Interface isn't the same or if you have problems then use the Help/Search screen to

locate the Concurrent Manager Recovery Wizard. The
location of this wizard changes almost with every new version of OAM.

g. Retest the issue by starting the workflow services from OAM

Make sure the Service Service Manager:<NODE> is up and running in the concurrent manager tier otherwise the workflow services won't start:


If the Service Service Manager:<NODE> is up and running, max_processes and running_processes will return

1. If one of them is zero then it is not running.

This can be done also in the command line by running the following commands:

- ps -ef | grep FNDSM
- record the PPID for the FNDSM process
- ps -ef | grep <PPID # for FNDSM>

The FNDSM PPID will be the parent process of the other concurrent manager services in the environment

Run the CP Java Regression Test concurrent program to identify if there are dbc problems:

a. System ADministrator Responsibility
b. Requests menu option
c. Run
d. Select from the list of values: CP Java Regression Test concurrent program
Run mode = FULL

Run the following to confirm that the required jar files exist or will exist in

$JAVA_TOP/ is the file that should contain the jar files used by the concurrent manager and workflow services as the work. They are added when you regenerate your jar files and adjborg2.txt is read and used to rebuild

grep jar $APPL_TOP/admin/adjborg2.txt

unzip -l $JAVA_TOP/ | grep -i jms | wc -l
For R12:

$ unzip -l $COMMON_TOP/java/lib/ | grep -i jms | wc -l

If this returns 0, then regenerate the jar files using ADADMIN and run the command again on your concurrent manager node to see if the count changes.

The $JAVA_TOP/ is also used for making HTTP(S) connections for the framework region to the iAS web server. It uses the http_client.jar file that is on the CCM node server. Although, you may not have a web server running on the machine, you will have an$IAS_ORACLE_HOME that contains the files required by the CCM to make HTTP requests. The $APPL_TOP/admin/adjborg2.txt will lists all the jar and zip archives that will be used to build the $JAVA_TOP/ archive. for example is the version of the jdbc zip file used be JDK 1.4.2 and above. JDK1.3.1 uses

$APPL_TOP/admin/adjborg2.txt and $APPL_TOP/admin/adovars.env servers the same purpose as the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/ file does for the jserv engine for the web server.

Reviewing the output of $FND_TOP/sql/wfver.sql in the Service Component Control Event Subscriptions section:

Reviewing the output of $FND_TOP/sql/wfver.sql script it might seen following:

Service Component Control Event Subscriptions Name
Subscription Rule Function Subscription Out Agent Status
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------



The first example shows shows the subscription is not enabled and second example shows that no subscription exists for this control group / event.

Increase the Workflow Mailer's Log Level to Statement in order to get additional diagnostic information for the Workflow Mailer:

Changing the Workflow Mailer Log Level:

a. Login to E-Business as a user assigned the System Administrator responsibility
b. Navigate to System Administrator responsibility
c. Oracle Applications Manager
d. Workflow
e. Notification Mailers
f. Edit
g. Advanced

After trying to start the Workflow Services, the mailer log files show the following error:

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: getTypeMap
at oracle.AQ.AQOracleSession.<init>(
at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.getTopic(
Could not start Service Component Container ->
oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainerException: BES system could not establish connection to the control queue after 180 seconds

This means there are incorrect JDK entries and missing reference to file in AF_CLASSPATH.

WF Mailer Service cannot be started, mailer log file is not created and there are no errors in the ICM and FNDSM log files:

Make sure the number of processes for the WF Mailer service in the Define Concurrent Manager form is set to 1 or greater

A. Log in as SYSADMIN

B. Go to Define Concurrent manager and query your "Workflow Mailer Service"

Navigation path:
a. System administrator responsibility
b. Concurrent> Manager> Define
c. Query the Workflow Mailer Service
d. Click on work shifts button
e. Do you have zero in the processes column?
If so, please change it to 1.
f. Save the changes
g. Wait for sometime to find out if the Workflow Mailer Service starts automatically.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Possible Reasons and Solutions for the Problem Where All Concurrent Requests Stuck in Pending Phase.

Possible Reasons and Solutions for the Problem Where All Concurrent Requests Stuck in Pending Phase.

Below are several different possible solutions to the problem where concurrent requests are stuck in pending status:

1.When shutting down the concurrent managers are there any FNDLIBR processes still running at the OS level?   If so, do a kill -9 on them, then restart the concurrent managers.

2.Try Relinking $FND_TOP.

3.Rebuild the concurrent manager views.  As applmgr run the following from the OS:

This is non-destructive.
Concurrent Manager views can be rebuilt by running the following command at the command line:
Ensure that concurrent managers are shutdown. FNDLIBR FND FNDCPBWV apps/apps SYSADMIN 'System Administrator' SYSADMIN Restart the concurrent managers.

4.The Profile Option 'Concurrent: OPS Request Partitioning' may be set incorrectly. This profile option should always be set to OFF, regardless of whether you are running OPS(RAC) or not, because the profile is obsolete.

5.The System Profile Option: Concurrent Active Requests is possibly to 0.
        a.  Log into Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN.
        b.  Select System Administrator responsibility.
        c.  Navigate to PROFILE > SYSTEM.
        d.  Query for %CONC%ACTIVE%.
        e.  Change the profile option for 'Concurrent: Active Request Limit' to Null (blank).
        f.  Exit Oracle Applications and log in again for the change to take affect.
        g.  Run a new concurrent request.

6.The Concurrent managers were brought down, while an outstanding request was still running in the background.  In which case, update the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table as follows:

update fnd_concurrent_requests
set status_code='X', phase_code='C'
where status_code='T';
sql> commit;

7.The control_code for concurrent_queue_name = 'FNDCRM' is 'N' in the FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES table,  which means 'Target node/queue unavailable'.
This value should be NULL (CRM is running; target and actual process amount are the same), or 'A' ('Activate concurrent manager' control status).
Set the control_code to 'A' in fnd_concurrent_queues for the Conflict Resolution Manager:
       a.  Logon to Oracle Applications database server as 'applmgr'.
       b.  Verify the Applications environment is setup correctly ($ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID).
       c.  Logon to SQL*Plus as 'APPS' and run the following SQL statement:
            update fnd_concurrent_queues
            set control_code = 'A'
            where concurrent_queue_name = 'FNDCRM';
       d.  Verify the status of the concurrent managers through the  Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer form.

If the CRM is still not active, bounce (deactivate, activate) the Internal Concurrent Manager.  This is done through the Concurrent > Manager >  Administer form
from the 'System Administrator' responsibility. It can also be done through the CONCSUB command at the command level.      

Setting the control_code to 'A' in the fnd_concurrent_queues table for the Conflict Resolution Manager indicates that this concurrent manager
is to be activated with the parameter values specified through this table for this manager (MAX_PROCESSES, CACHE_SIZE, etc).

8.What is the cache size?   Try increasing the cache size then stop/restart the concurrent managers.
If concurrent requests are rarely prioritized and there are managers that service short-running requests, consider setting the cache size to equal at least twice the number of target processes.  This increases the throughput of the concurrent managers by attempting to avoid any sleep time.

For example:
If more than one manager or worker processes the same type of requests with only a small cache size, it may be unable to process any jobs in a single processing cycle, because other processes have already run the cached requests. When this happens, it is important to note that the manager will sleep before refreshing its cache.  To increase manager throughput where there are sufficient requests of the required type in the queue, increase the cache size to improve the chance of the manager finding work to process and thus avoid having to enter a sleep phase.

TIP: Ensure that the system is not resource-constrained before attempting to increase the rate of concurrent processing in this way, otherwise, these changes may actually reduce concurrent processing throughput because jobs take longer to run.

Reference metalink Doc ID 182154.1

Best Practices for Performance for Concurrent Managers in E-Business Suite

Best Practices for Performance for Concurrent Managers in E-Business Suite

This Document contains 5 topics

1. Generic Tips

2. Transaction Manager (TM).

3. Parallel Concurrent Processing (PCP) Environment.

4. Tuning Output Post Processor (OPP).

5. Concurrent Processing Server Tuning.

Generic Tips

 1) Sleep Seconds -  is the number of seconds your Concurrent manager waits between checking the list of pending concurrent requests (concurrent requests waiting to be started). A manager only sleeps if there are no runnable jobs in the queue.
Tip: During peak time, when the number of requests submitted is expected to be high, Set the sleep time to a reasonable wait time(e.g. 30 seconds) dependent on the average run time and to prevent backlog. Otherwise set the sleep time to a high number (e.g. 2 minutes). This avoids constant polls to check  for new requests.

2) Increase the cache size (number of requests cached) to at least twice the number of target processes.
For example, if a manager's work shift has 1 target process and a cache value of 3, it will read three requests, and try to run those  three requests before reading any new requests

Tip: Enter a value of 1 when defining a manager that runs long, time-consuming jobs, and a value of 3 or 4 for managers that run small, quick jobs.
This is only guidance and a balance needs to struck in tuning the cache, so with fast jobs you need to cache to get enough work for a few minutes. With slow jobs, a small queue helps should you need to reprioritize requests.

4) To maximize throughput consider reducing the sleep time of the Conflict Resolution Manager (CRM).  The default value is 60 seconds. You can consider setting to 5 or 10 seconds.

5) Avoid enabling an excessive number of standard or specialized managers. It can degrade the performance due polling on queue tables (FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS...). You need to create specialized managers only if there is a real need.

6) Set the system profile option "Concurrent: Force Local Output File Mode" to "Yes" if required  . You need to apply Patch 7530490 for R12 (or) Patch 7834670 for 11i to get this profile.

Refer to Note 822368.1 - 'Purge Concurrent Request FNDCPPUR Does Not Delete Files From File System or Slow performance'.

Note:- The profile option "Concurrent: Force Local Output File Mode" is set to "No" by default. After applying the patch, set the profile option to YES will cause FNDCPPUR to always access files on the local file system, hence FNDCPPUR will remove the OS files faster.To enable this feature, All Concurrent Manager nodes must be able to access the output file location via the local filesystem.

7) Truncate the reports.log file in log directory.   Refer to Note 844976.1 for more details.

Truncation of file "reports.log" is a regular maintenance work of Application DBA. Make sure that reports log file size should not increase to its maximum limit of 2 GB. There is no purge program to truncate file "reports.log". This maintenance needs to be done manually and regularly depending on number of concurrent program which uses "reports.log". You can safely truncate "reports.log".

The "reports.log" file can be located under $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG.

8) Ensure "Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data, FNDCPPUR,"  is run at regular intervals with "Entity" parameter as "ALL".  A high number of records in FND_CONCURRENT tables can degrade the performance.

Additionally, the following are very good methods to follow for optimizing the process:
Run the job in hours with low workload. Doing this after hours will lessen the contention on the tables from running against your daily processing.
To get the requests under control, run the FNDCPPUR program with Age=20 or Age=18 would be a good method. That means, all requests older than 18 or 20 days will be purged.
Once the requests are under control, run the FNDCPPUR program with Age=7 to maintain an efficient process. This would solely depend on the level of processing that is performed at your site

9) Ensure that the log/out files are removed from the locations shown below as you run "Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data program".
In the event that it does not remove the log/out files, over a period of time it will slow down the performance.  Please refer to the following note which suggests the patch which fixes it.

Note 822368.1 - 'Purge Concurrent Request FNDCPPUR Does Not Delete Files From File System or Slow performance'.
Note 1616827.1  Managing Concurrent Manager Log and Out Directories

10) Defragment the tables periodically to reclaim unused space / improve performance.


10.1) alter table <owner>.<table_name> move;

10.2)Note that, some indexes might become unusable after table is moved, check the index status from dba_indexes for the table moved and rebuild them too as explained in next bullet.
select owner, index_name, status from dba_indexes
where table_owner = upper('&OWNER') and
table_name = upper('&SEGMENT_NAME');

10.3) alter index <owner>.<index_name> rebuild online;


Ensure Concurrent Manager is down before you defragment.

Ensure the tablespace in which the object currently exists has got sufficient space before you move/defragment.

Always take backup of the tables before moving the data. It is recommended to perform ths action on Test instance initially then test it thoroughly before performing it on Production instance.

10.4) You will need to re-collect the statistics for the tables.

For example:
exec fnd_stats.gather_table_stats ('APPLSYS','FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS',PERCENT=>99);

11) Ensure you upgraded to the latest code to avoid below known Performance , Availablity & Deadlock related issues issues.

12 ) Profile Concurrent:Wait for Available TM  -  Total time to wait for a TM before switchover to next available TM.  Consider setting this  to 1 (second).

13) Ensure enough TMs exist to service the incoming request load.

14) When the load is high, set the following profile to optimum values to achieve better results.PO: Approval Timeout Value  -  Total time for workflow call (When initiated from Forms) to time out.

15)  Set the sleep time on the Transaction Manager to a high number (e.g. 10 minutes), this avoids constant polls to check for shutdown requests.

Parallel Concurrent Processing (PCP) Environment

16) If the failover of managers is taking too long refer to Note 551895.1 - 'Failover Of Concurrent Manager Processes Takes More than 30 Minutes'.

17) To avoid known issues, apply Patch 15900099 (11i), Patch 15981173 (12.0 ), Patch 15981176 (12.1.3) along with pre-requisites , when you are in the process of implementing PCP. Also refer to Note 1389261.1.

18) Set profile option 'Concurrent: PCP Instance Check' to 'OFF' if instance-sensitive failover is not required. Setting it to 'ON' means that concurrent managers will fail over to a secondary application tier node if the database instance to which it is connected goes down.

19)Transaction Manager uses DBMS_PIPE to communicate with application session prior to 11i.ATG_PF.H RUP3. DBMS_PIPE in turn uses OS Pipe.We might use Advance Queue(AQ) with 11i.ATG_PF.H RUP3 by setting System Profile Concurrent: TM Transport Type to QUEUE.

Note  Pipes are more efficient but require a Transaction Manager to be running on each DB Instance (RAC). So you might want to use "Queue" for easy maintenance.

20) Add these parameters depends on your Database version

                + _lm_global_posts=TRUE
                + _immediate_commit_propagation=TRUE  (11g RAC)
                + max_commit_propagation_delay=0  (9i RAC)

21) To speed up the PCP Failover ,Tune the below parameters.
Kernel parameters (Find the analogous parameter for your platform)
tcp_keepalive_time ( Do not set this value to low; since it will then use up your network resources with unnecessary traffic)

DCD (Dead connection detection); To setup update sqlnet.ora from the Database Tier.

Set the environment Variable at Concurrent Manager Tier.

Check PMON Cycle & Sleep Intervals for ICM (internal Concurrent Manager) setup.
Navigation OAM -> SiteMap -> Monitoring -> Internal Concurrent Manager Link(Under Availability) -> "View Status" -> "Edit ICM Runtime Parameters"

Tune Failover Processes.
In the case of node failover, the maximum number of processes that the work shift can run simultaneously.

Nodes can become overloaded when a middle-tier node fails and service instances on that node failover to their secondary nodes. The Failover Processes value should be smaller than the normal Processes value, to lessen the impact on the existing resources allocated on a secondary node. When failover occurs, the ICM uses the Failover Processes value in place of the normal running processes value as it iterates through service instances to perform queue sizing.

Navigation System Administration > Concurrent Managers > Standard Manager > Edit > Failover Processes

System Administration > Concurrent Managers > Output Post Processor > Edit > Failover Processes

Enable Reviver.
What is FNDREVIVER and How Is It Set? Note 466752.1

Ensure Internal Monitor is up and running on all the PCP Nodes. Ensure it has a valid workshift.
Concurrent > Manager > Define > Query "Internal Monitor" > workshift

Note:- The sole job of an Internal Monitor Process is to monitor the Internal Concurrent Manager and to restart that manager should it fail. The first Internal Monitor Process to detect that the Internal Concurrent Manager has failed restarts that manager on its own node.

Tuning Output Post Processor (OPP)

In order to tune the OPP to improve performance refer the below Note. It discusses  How to monitor the workload of OPP and Suggests you how to tune Output Post Processor (OPP) to improve performance and avoid java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception.

Note 1399454.1 - 'Tuning Output Post Processor (OPP) to Improve Performance'.

Concurrent Processing Server Tuning

1. Any Concurrent Processing (CP) server tuning or load balancing needs are to be addressed by Oracle Consulting. There are way too many site specific factors that needs to be considered for optimum CP throughput: from machine hardware, to user request volume, to required Work Shifts, to programs run time characteristics (long / short running)--not to mention also testing and benchmarking. Such a tasks, is beyond the scope of ATG Support.

ATG support would be glad to investigate a failing manager or program issue; however, CP performance issues due to increased concurrent request volume or due to a new installation needs to be addressed by Oracle Consulting.

2. The "Tuning Concurrent Processing" chapter of the white paper "A Holistic Approach To Performance Tuning Oracle Applications Systems Release 11 and 11i" Note 69565.1 may provide some basic insight. Also reference the "Defining Concurrent Managers" and the "Setting Up and Starting Concurrent Managers" chapters of the "Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Configuration".

3. As per Note 69565.1 "A Holistic Approach to Performance Tuning Oracle Applications Systems", "50% of concurrent processing performance tuning is in the business!"

4. Visit the Concurrent Processing Product Information Center (PIC) Note 1304305.1 for additional performance and setup documentation.

Concurrent Manager Not Starting After EBS Cloning

Concurrent Manager Not Starting After EBS Cloning


When attempting to start the concurrent manager after recent clone, the following is shown in the

Internal Concurrent manager log:

07-FEB-2014 12:42:03 - Node list before TNS Update
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_SRVEBSUAT1_UAT. The TNS alias could
not be located, the listener process on SRVEBSUAT1 could not be contacted,
or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
07-FEB-2014 12:42:04 - Node list after TNS Update

Process monitor session started : 07-FEB-2014 12:42:04
Queue size posting session started : 07-FEB-2014 12:42:04
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_SRVEBSUAT1_UAT. The TNS alias could
not be located, the listener process on SRVEBSUAT1 could not be contacted,
or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
Node list before Update
Node list after Update
Node=SRVEBSUAT2, Inst=, SM Name=, Up=1
No default node found.
0: Target processes raised to Min
Set max processes for queue (0/0) to 100, and sleep seconds to 30
4: Target processes raised to Min


The issue is caused by problems with the clone process. .


Carry out the following steps :

1- Repeat perl  dbTier.

2- Repeat perl  appsTier .

3-  Relink the following executables by running:

adrelink  force=y "fnd FNDSM"

adrelink force=y "fnd FNDLIBR"

adrelink force=y "fnd FNDFS"

adrelink force=y "fnd FNDCRM"

4-  Run FNDCPASS to recerate all passwords.

5- Run  on application node.

Reference metalink Doc ID 1622433.1

Concurrent Managers Status shows ”Target node/queue unavailable” in Concurrent–>Manager–>Administer screen form.

Concurrent Managers Status shows  ”Target node/queue unavailable”  in Concurrent–>Manager–>Administer screen form.

Managers down – Status show “Target node/queue unavailable  


The environment is a clone of a Production created using Rapid Clone. Most of the concurrent managers

came up fine, but the Conflict Resolution Manager (and a couple of other managers) are showing:

Target node/queue unavailable.


The table FND_NODES was not populated correctly.


1. Stop all concurrent managers.

2. Run the following in SQL*Plus:


3.. Run AutoConfig on all tiers, firstly on the DB tier and then the APPS tiers, to repopulate the
required system tables.

4. Start all managers to re-test.

Reference metalink Doc ID 732709.1

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Network Test and Analyze Client System for Oracle E-Business Suite

Network Test and Analyze Client System for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle provide us tool to diagnose network performance and Analyze Client System at remote location in Oracle EBS:

The Network test Form
The Client Analyzer

How to Run Network Test Form:

1. Login to Applications as the Sysadmin Responsibility.
2. Navigate to Application > Network Test
3. Click the ‘Clear Old Test Data’ button to purge previous test results from the database.4. Specify the number of Trials (5 Default Value) and the Iterations for each trial for both the latency and bandwidth blocks.
4. Click on “Run Test” button to perform the test.

Latency and Bandwidth result will be appear on Network Test form:

What is Latency:

In a network, latency, a synonym for delay, Latency is an expression of how much time it takes for a packet of data to get from one designated point to another. In some usages, latency is measured by sending a packet that is returned to the sender and the round-trip time is considered the latency.
There are a number of factors that contribute to network latency. These include transmission, propagation, routers and computer hardware delays. All of these play an important role in the overall determination of network latency. In some cases, there may not be a delay the user can notice. Fortunately, if network latency does become a problem, there are things that can be done to improve the situation.

What is Bandwidth:

Bandwidth is a term used to describe how much information can be transmitted over a connection. Bandwidth is usually given as bits per second, or as some larger denomination of bits, such as Megabits per second, expressed as kbit/s or Mbit/s. Bandwidth is a gross measurement, taking the total amount of data transferred in a given period of time as a rate, without taking into consideration the quality of the signal itself.

This Network Test is used to evaluate the performance of the network with Oracle Applications, and it provides the following tests:

a. Latency Test. The latency measured is for a forms packet.

b. Bandwidth Test. The bandwidth tests from the client to the Applications Tier and then to the DB server.

Analyze the Result:
Oracle Recommends Network latency should be low and bandwidth should be high.
How to Run Analyze Client System

1. Login to Applications as the Sysadmin Responsibility.
2. Navigate to Application > Network Test
3. Click the ‘Help -----Diagnostics--------Client System Analyzer
4. Click on “View Result” button.
Viewing Data Collected by the Client System Analyzer . The Client System Analyzer collects information about a computer’s configuration, such as:

Hard drive size
CPU speed
Installed software
It also performs some network performance measurements.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Top 10 Sessions With Largest Temp Usage

Top 10 Sessions With Largest Temp Usage

  FROM (  SELECT s.sid,
                 s.sql_hash_value sesshash,
                 u.SQLHASH sorthash,
                 SUM (u.blocks * p.VALUE / 1024 / 1024) mbused,
                 SUM (u.extents) noexts,
                 NVL (s.module, s.program) proginfo,
                    FLOOR (last_call_et / 3600)
                 || ':'
                 || FLOOR (MOD (last_call_et, 3600) / 60)
                 || ':'
                 || MOD (MOD (last_call_et, 3600), 60)
            FROM v$sort_usage u, v$session s, v$parameter p
           WHERE u.session_addr = s.saddr AND = 'db_block_size'
        GROUP BY s.sid,
                 NVL (s.module, s.program),
                    FLOOR (last_call_et / 3600)
                 || ':'
                 || FLOOR (MOD (last_call_et, 3600) / 60)
                 || ':'
                 || MOD (MOD (last_call_et, 3600), 60)
        ORDER BY 7 DESC, 3)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Terminate Runway Process Of Cancel Concurrent Request

Terminate Runway Process Of Cancel Concurrent Request

Even after cancel concurrent request, Resource related concurrent request process may not be released such processes are called RUNWAY processes. So we need to manually kill the processes from database.

Concurrent request id:

Find OS Process id:

In my case: Request_id=32565148

select a.request_id, d.sid, d.serial# ,d.osuser,d.process , c.spid ,d.inst_id from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a, apps.fnd_concurrent_processes b, gv$process c, gv$session d where a.controlling_manager = b.concurrent_process_id and = b.oracle_process_id
and b.session_id=d.audsid and a.request_id = 32565148 and a.phase_code = 'R';



32565148 1049 1797 oracle 6880 19922 1

Check runways:

In my case: Process=6880

select s.sid , s.serial# from v$session s , v$process p where s.paddr = p.addr and s.process ='6880';



1049 1797

Kill runaway process:

alter system kill session '1049,1797';


How to kill long running/hang concurrent request

SELECT ses.sid, ses.serial# from v$session ses, v$process pro WHERE ses.paddr = pro.addr and pro.spid IN (SELECT oracle_process_id FROM fnd_concurrent_requests WHERE request_id =11613265);

You will get spid & pid from above request. Pass your request id in above query. And run below query with sys user.


System altered.