Sunday, May 20, 2018

Oracle E-Business Suite High Level Upgrade From 12.1.1 to 12.2.7

Oracle E-Business Suite High Level Upgrade From 12.1.1 to 12.2.7

Pre-requites steps for upgrade

1)  Pre-install  packages on both database & application server.
-make sure all the rpms's are installed.
2) Take backup of whole application file system and database.
3) Take Backup of oracle software binaries.
4) Check the mount point, make sure its sufficient during upgrade process
5) Gather schema statistics
6) Add following parameter to initialize parameter file
-service_names=SID, ebs_patch

7) Stage Creation (Root user)
-Go to startCD51
-Run (Make sure run this script as root user)

8) Start installation of Application of R12.2.0 as a root user.
-cd /u02/apdba/ebs_upgrade_12_2/R12.2_Source/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
./ rapidwiz
-choose Upgrade to Oracle E-Business suite Release R12.2.0 and press Next button to continue.
-deselect check box to avoid any updates from My Oracle support.  Click next.
-First select "Create Upgrade File System" to configuring and creating an upgrade file system or upgraded database.
-Specify the port pool values for port pooling and press on Edit ports for specify DB port.
-Database node configuration wizard.
Fill all details about database host, SID, Port, Domain Name, DB OS User, Base Directory and RDBMS ORACLE_HOME.
Dont forget to select "User Existing Oracle Home (No New Database Home Install).
-Provide APPS user password details and review APPLSYSPUB and GUEST user details.
-Select your database character set and press Next.
-Fill all details in below wizard for application node and verify the apps base directory ,
instance home directory and click on Edit Services, enabled all services as Application and db are running on single server.
-Enter weblogic handy password and application OS user password.
-It will display all node information. Press Next to continue.
-This is pre-install validation steps. all must be completed with green yes mark.
-If its failed any of area of the prerequisites checks, then we have to fix the issue first and press retry button.
-list of component will be installed after rapiz wizard is completed successfully.
Press Next to continue.
-list of component will be installed after rapiz wizard is completed successfully.

9) Run the 12.2.0 Upgrade driver
-run adgrants.sql from patch directory to $ORACLE_HOME

10) Apply all Consolidated Upgrade Patches (CUPs)
-Downloaded the preinstall patches as per metalink note R12.1 and 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Preinstall Patches Report (Doc ID 1448102.2)
Note: Merged and apply the 12.2.0 upgrade with CUP patches.
It will take almost 18 hours and successfully completed.

11) Back up Oracle E-Business Suite (recommended) Perform a full Oracle E-Business Suite backup of the application and database.
-Run and

12) Update the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME file system with AutoConfig and Clone files.
-Run environment file of application file system.
-$perl <AD_TOP>/bin/
-unzip -o
• Generate a new database context file
-$cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
• Run AutoConfig on the database tier nodes
-$cd appsutil/bin/
-$ contextfile
• Run AutoConfig on the Apps Tier.
-Run environment file on apps Tier.
-Login to as apps/apps user
-Prior to running AutoConfig check if table - ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG is existing in APPS schema:
Select object_name, object_type, owner, status from dba_objects where    upper(object_name) = 'ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG' and object_type='TABLE' and upper(owner)='APPS';
-cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql
Sqlplus apps/appson
-Sql> @txkDropAdxPreAutoConfig.sql
-Run Autoconfig: go to $ADMIN_SCRIPT_HOME/

13) Run the Rapid Install to configure Release 12.2 E-Business Suite instance.
-You must run the Rapid Install a second time to complete the configuration using the Run File System context file.
-Select Upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0
-Select the option of Configure Upgraded Release 12.2.0 Instance.
-Select an existing application context file from newly installed file system.
-Review Application user information.

14) Enabling Online Patching Cycle.
-Online Patching requires the database to be upgraded to version or higher. Ensure that the database upgrade was completed properly and without errors.
-Ensure that the required Database patches for Release 12.2 have been applied Review the Database Preparation Guidelines for Release 12.2 and ensure that all patches listed are installed in your database. Do not proceed with the enabling online patching process if all patches have not been installed.
-Create the online patching log file location and set it as the current directory:
mkdir $LOG_HOME/appl/op
-Run the following Readiness reports: • ADZDPSUM.sql and ADZDPMAN.sql and ADZDPCUST.sql
-both should be run system/manager.
-Run the Online Patching Diagnostic Reports ADZDEXRPT.sql

15) Download and apply the Online Patching Enablement patch Download and apply the Online Patching Enablement patch.
-Use Autopatch in hotpatch mode to apply the patch (adpatch options=hotpatch,forceapply)
-Important: While applying the Online Enablement patch, you may receive the following error: 'Attention: Adpatch should no longer be used to apply patches. Please use ADOP tool for applying patches.' If you receive this error, then you must use adop in hotpatch mode to apply the enablement patch.
-The Online patching enablement patch ran for almost 12-14 hours.
-Re-run the Online Patching Enablement Status Report after the Online Patching Enablement patch has been applied

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