
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tell me About your self ?

Tell me About your self ?

This is ABC, Currently I'm working with XYZ technologies, I have around 4.8 years of experience as a Oracle dba and appsdba, from this company i started my career...... initially i started as Oracle Core dba, but later i got a chance to work with Applications DBA.

Comes to my day 2 day responsibilites are:

* checking the handover emails (maybe some scheduled activies like patching, clone, code deployments etc)
* checking the scheduled backup status.
* Perform cloning activity on users request, on few instances we clone every week.
* Sometimes getting a request to apply patch.
* creating SR's and follow-up with pending SR's
* checking the calendar notes for any scheduled activities assigned in the shift
* doing Sanity checks on production servers. Depending on the priority basis I will start the work. If there is any pending in the work I will handover to next shift people.

==> Tell me About your Company Architecture.

We support 3 production instances, & that related we have UAT, TEST and DEVELOPMENT instances, all instances are running on Rac with multi-node instance.
We are supporting all 100 Instances in 24X7. We have 6 Members of team apart from Lead and Manager. In four shifts we are maintaining these servers.

===> Troubleshooting activities:

* users unable to connect to database
* listeners went down
* concurrent managers not coming up after clone.
* immediately after clone users are complaining that permissions and grants are missing.
* creating users and assigning roles in the new clone.

==> Monitoring Procedure

We are configured GRID control. All our servers and their services are attached to 12c-OEM Grid. And all our backup jobs are scheduled in OEM. When ever any error comes OEM will send an alert to our distibution list and we work on that error. In the same way when ever any job failes OEM will send error information as an alert.

Everyday one person will be dedicate to OEM Alerts monitoring.

We are having on internal tool for ticketing system. When ever any end user impacted by our server immediately they can raise a ticket. In the same way here we monitor all opened tickets.

==> What type of Tickets you get from End User.

    * Toad connectivity failures
    * SQL Develooper connectivity failures
    * Browser Issues
    * Jinitiator Issues
    * User Password reset

==> What is your server Architecute
    Two Node/ 3- Node Architecture
    Node1 : Database (DB User) , CM, REP, ADMIN (App User)
    Node2 : Web, Forms
    All servers are in same configuration
==> How do you connect to your Client Machine

    * First I wll establish a connectivity using VPN Client Software
    * I will use PUTTY to connect
==> Activities Implementation

    - Weekdays we will perfom Non Prod activities
    - Weekends we perform PROD Activities
    (Activies are two types downtime activities and non downtime activities)

Health of the Database can be check in various ways

1 Physical memory / Load :Load normal, Load averages: 0.35, 0.37, 0.36
2 OS Space threshold ( archive, ora_dump etc.. ) :Sufficient Space available.
3 Top 10 process consuming memory:No process using exceptional high memory
4 Free volumes available :Sufficient disk space is available on the mount points
5 Filesystem space Under normal threshold
Database level.
6 Check extents / Pro active Space addition:Space is being regularly added.
7 Check alert log for ORA- and warn messages.
8 Major wait events (latch/enqueue/Lib cache pin) No major wait events
9 Max Sessions
10 Long running Jobs 6 inactive sessions running for more than 8 hrs
11 Invalid objects 185
12 Analyze Jobs ( once in a week ) Done on 20-JAN-2008 Time 06:00:06
13 Temp usage / Rollback segment usage Normal
14 Nologging Indexes
15 Hotbackup/Coldbackup Gone fine
16 Redo generation normal
17 PQ proceses Normal
18 I/O Generation Under normal threshold
19 2 PC Pending transactions 0
DR / backup
1 Sync arch Normal
2 Purge arch Normal
3 Recovery status Normal
20)DATABASE HEALTH CHECK SCRIPT: Showing locks and Archive generation details

Apps & RAC checks:

1)Agent up and running
3)Apllication services
4)Long running Concurent requets
5)Cluster Services

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