Thursday, May 9, 2024

Leveraging journalctl for Kubernetes Log Management on CentOS and RedHat

Leveraging journalctl for Kubernetes Log Management on CentOS and RedHat


In the complex ecosystem of container orchestration, Kubernetes stands out as a primary solution for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. Alongside Kubernetes, effective log management is crucial for maintaining operational excellence. journalctl, the core utility for interfacing with the systemd journal, is instrumental in this context. On Linux distributions like CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which both utilize systemd, journalctl provides vital capabilities for accessing and managing logs. This guide delves into the use of journalctl in Kubernetes environments hosted on CentOS and RHEL, discussing its use cases, significance, and best practices for effective implementation.

What is journalctl?

journalctl is the command-line tool used to query and display logs from the systemd journal, a system service that collects and stores logging data from various system components. In the context of Kubernetes on CentOS, journalctl provides a means to access detailed logs from the system and the Kubernetes components managed by systemd.

Use Cases in Kubernetes

  • Troubleshooting Kubernetes Components: Gain insights into the Kubernetes system services like kubelet, kube-proxy, and others that are managed as systemd services.
  • Node Diagnostics: Diagnose issues related to the underlying host which can affect Kubernetes operations, such as network failures, hardware issues, or kernel problems.
  • Security Auditing: Collect and review logs to monitor access and changes, helping to secure the Kubernetes nodes.


  • Comprehensive Log Access: Provides a consolidated view of all system and service logs, essential for a holistic understanding of Kubernetes node health.
  • High-resolution Time Stamps: Offers precise logging which is crucial for troubleshooting time-sensitive issues in a dynamic Kubernetes environment.
  • Persistent Storage: journalctl can be configured to store logs persistently, ensuring that critical log information is maintained across reboots.

Best Practices

  • Configure Persistent Logging: Ensure journalctl is configured to retain logs across node reboots to maintain a continuous record.
[Journal] Storage=persistent

  • Secure Log Access: Implement strict access controls to the log files to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Regular Monitoring: Set up regular checks and alerts based on log patterns that may indicate errors or security issues.


  • Efficient Log Filtering: journalctl allows for efficient filtering by service, time, priority, and other criteria, which is invaluable in a complex Kubernetes environment.
  • Integration with Monitoring Tools: Logs from journalctl can be integrated with centralized logging solutions for Kubernetes, enhancing overall monitoring and analysis.
  • Reliability: As part of the systemd suite, journalctl offers robustness and reliability, key attributes for mission-critical Kubernetes applications.

Implementation in CentOS for Kubernetes

Viewing Logs of Kubernetes Services:

Use journalctl to view logs for specific Kubernetes components managed by systemd, such as the kubelet. To do this, enter the command:

journalctl -u kubelet

This retrieves logs generated by the kubelet service, which plays a crucial role in managing container operations on each node.

Filtering Logs by Time:

To access logs from a specific timeframe, which is helpful for troubleshooting issues reported during that period, use the following command:

journalctl --since "2021-01-30 14:00" --until "2021-01-30 16:00"

This filters the logs to show only those entries recorded between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM on January 30, 2021.

Live Monitoring of Logs:

For diagnosing active issues in real-time, follow the logs as they are written using the -f flag with journalctl:

journalctl -f -u kubelet

This command functions similarly to tail -f, streaming new log entries directly to your console, focused specifically on the kubelet service.

Securing Log Access:

Ensure that log files and directories are secure and inaccessible to unauthorized users by setting the appropriate permissions:

chmod -R 600 /var/log/journal/

This command restricts read and write access to the journal directory to the root user only, enhancing the security of log data.

This format should be suitable for inclusion in text where code blocks are not preferred or supported, providing clear and direct instructions for managing Kubernetes logs using journalctl on CentOS.

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