
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Oracle SOA Suite Backup & Recovery

Oracle SOA Suite Backup & Recovery

Performing a  Full Offline Backup

To perform a full offline backup, you copy the directories that contain Oracle Fusion Middleware files.Archive and compress the source Middleware home, using your preferred tool for archiving. Ensure that the tool you are using preserves the permissions of the files. For example, for online backups on Windows, use copy; for offline backups on Windows, use copy, xcopy, or jar. Do not use Winzip because it does not work with long filenames or extensions.

For example, for Linux and UNIX, use tar.

1. Stop all the processes.

2. Back up the Middleware home (MW_HOME) on all hosts. For example:
tar -cf mw_home_backup.tar $MW_HOME/*

3. If the domain is not located within the Middleware home, back up the Administration Server domain separately. For Example
tar -cf domain_home_backup.tar $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/*

In most cases, you do not need to back up the Managed Server domain directories separately, because the Administration Server domain contains information about the Managed Servers in its domain.

4. If the Oracle instance home is not located within the Middleware home, back up the Oracle instance home. The Oracle instance home contains configuration information about system components, such as Oracle HTTP Server or Oracle Internet Directory.

For Example:
tar -cf sc_home_backup.tar $ORACLE_INSTANCE/*

5. If a Managed Server is not located within the domain, back up the Managed Server directory. 
For example:
tar -cf mg1_home_backup.tar

6. Back up the OraInventory directory. For example:
tar -cf Inven_home_backup.tar /u01/app/oracle/OraInventory

7. Back up OraInst.loc and oratab files, which are located in the /etc directory.

8. Back up the database repositories using the Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).

Note: This completes with Backup of Oracle SOA Suite.

Recovery Of Oracle SOA Suite

Note: Stop all the relevant processes that are running before recovery.

Recovering a Middleware

1. Recover the Middleware home directory from backup. For example:
tar -xf mw_home_backup.tar

Recovering an Oracle

Weblogic Server Domain
1. Recover the domain directory from backup:
tar -xf domain_backup.tar
Note: If you want to Recover only the Administration Server configuration then recover the domain home backup to a temporary location. Then, restore the config directory to the $DOMAIN_HOME/config location.

Recovering an Oracle

Instance Home

1. Recover the Oracle instance home directory from a backup file. For example:
tar -xf sc_home_backup.tar

Note: If you are recovering an Oracle instance home that was deregistered from the domain then also register the Oracle Home as shown below.

opmnctl registerinstance -adminHost admin_server_host -adminPort admin_server_port -adminUsername username -adminPassword password -oracleInstance ORACLE_INSTANCE_dir -oracleHome ORACLE_HOME_dir -instanceName Instance_name -wlserverHome Middleware_Home

Recovering A Managed Server


In this scenario, the Managed Server does not operate properly or cannot be started because the configuration has been deleted or corrupted or the configuration was mistakenly changed and you cannot ascertain what was changed.

1. Recover the Middleware home from the backup, if required.
tar -xf mw_home_backup.tar

2. Create a domain template jar file for the Administration Server, using the pack utility. For
example: -domain=$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name -template=/tmp/temp.jar -template_name=test_install -template_author=myname -log=/tmp/logs/my.log -managed=true

Note: Specifying the -managed=true option packs up only the Managed Servers. If you want to pack the entire domain, omit this option.

3. Unpack the domain template jar file, using the unpack utility. -template=/tmp/temp.jar -domain=$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name -log=/tmp/logs/new.log

4. Start the Managed Server and Managed Server connects to the Administration Server and updates its configuration changes.


When Oracle SOA Suite is configured in a domain and no Managed Servers share the domain directory with the Administration Server, you must restore the Managed Server directory. For example, a domain contains two Managed Servers, one of which contains Oracle SOA Suite, but neither of the Managed Server's directories are in the same directory structure as the Administration Server..

1. Restore the Managed Server from backup:
cd ManagedServer_Home
tar -xf managed_server_backup.tar


When Oracle SOA Suite is configured in a domain and no Managed Servers share the domain directory with the Administration Server, you must restore the Managed Server directory. For example, a domain contains two Managed Servers, one of which contains Oracle SOA Suite, but neither of the Managed Server's directories are in the same directory structure as the Administration Server..

1. Restore the Managed Server from backup:
cd ManagedServer_Home
tar -xf managed_server_backup.tar

2. Restart the Managed Server.
Note: This Hands-on completes with Backup and Recovery of Oracle SOA Suite.

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