
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Oracle WebLogic Backup & Recovery

Oracle WebLogic Backup & Recovery

What is a Backup ?

Process of copying or archiving data so that it can be restored in event of failure.

Things to backup

- Database Tier

- Application Tier

- Connector Server

- Operating System Files

Type of Backups in WebLogic ?

- Offline as Cold Backup

- Online as Hot Backup (For DB , enable archive log)

- Size of Backup

- Full

- Incremental

- Time of backup

- After big change or patch

- Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

What is Offline & Online Backups ?

Offline Backup

- Environment is down and service is not available to user before backing up files.

- Mainly done after big patches or upgrades

Online Backup

- Environment is available during the backup

- Database must be in archive log mode for online backup

- Generally : Weekly full and incremental daily

What is Full VS Partial ?

Full Backup:

- All directories of Weblogic Server

Partial Backup:

- Few files before manual change

- LDAP backup of subset of OID entity

Backup Considerations in Weblogic ?

- Backup before any big change

- Ensure database is in archive log mode and you can recover point in time

- Take backup before & after any patch

- Take regular backup of Domain & after config change

WebLogic Directory/Component to Backup ?

- Middleware Home

- Instance Home for System Components

- Domain Home for Java Components

- Cluster folder if outside DOMAIN_HOME

- oraInventory

- $HOME/beahomelist

- /etc (Linux, IBM AIX), /var/opt/oracle (Other Unix)

- Windows (Registry)

- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\oracle

- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services

- Oracle Database (RMAN or Manual)

What are Backup Tools ?

- For Application Tier

- O.S. Copy commands like cp, copy, xcopy, tar, jar

- Take care of

- Symbolic Links if any

- Supports long file

- Preserve permissions and ownership

- For Database Tier

- Oracle Home (O.S. Commands)

- Oracle Database (RMAN, Manual)

What is App Tier Backup?

- Directory to Backup

- Individual Files

- Domain Home (regular)

- MW_HOME (after patching)

- Tools for Backup

- cp –r , tar (Unix Utility)

- Backup tools

What is DB Tier Backup?

- Ask DBAs to backup

- Tools for Backup


- Copy data files in hot backup

Recommended Backup Strategy For WebLogic

- Perform a full offline backup

- Perform an online backup of run-time artifacts

- Perform a full or incremental backup of your databases

What is Recovery ?

- Process of restoring from backup or archiving

- Recover entire OIM or just files those need recovery

- Only Offline recovery is possible

- Ensure that file system and database is in sync, if patches are applied on FMW that updated DB too

- If restoring from hot backup on apps tier , there could be lock , pid files so remove them before starting services

What is App Tier Restore ?

- Directory to Restore

- Individual Files

- Domain Home


- Tools for Restore

- cp –r , untar (Unix Utility)

- Other Restore tools

What is DB Tier Restore ?

- Ask DBAs to restore

- Tools for Backup


- Manual point in time recovery

WebLogic Backup Recommendations

- Before and after making configuration changes to a component or cluster

- Backup: All of the runtime backup artifacts

- Mode: Online

- Prior to deploying a custom pure Java EE application to a Managed Server or cluster

- Backup: All of the runtime backup artifacts

- Mode: Online

- After any major architectural changes to deployment architecture (such as scale out, creation of servers, or creation of clusters)

- Backup: All of the runtime backup artifacts

- Mode: Online

- Before and after product binary files (such as the WebLogic Home) are patched or upgraded

- Backup: All of the backup artifacts

- Mode: Offline

- Before and after patching or upgrading (which may impact BEA home and database)

- Backup: All of the backup artifacts

- Mode: Offline

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