Tuesday, May 15, 2018

ADOP Useful Options

ADOP Useful Options

To restart worker where failed, while applying patch using "adop" in 12.2

-wait_on_failed_job=(yes|no)  [default: no]
Controls whether adop apply command exits when all workers have failed.  Instead of exiting, you can force adop to wait, and use the "adctrl" to retry failed jobs.

$adop phase=apply patches=123456 wait_on_failed_job=yes

Note: This works only for Worker jobs, Not for objects compilation fails, like forms, pll's. For these you have to use "flags=autoskip"
adop phase=apply patches=123456 flags=autoskip

-skipsyncerror=(yes|no)  [default: no]
Specifies whether to ignore errors that may occur during incremental file system synchronization.  This might happen if you applied a patch in the previous patching cycle that had errors but decided to continue with the cutover.  When the patch is synchronized on the next patching cycle, the apply errors may occur again, but can be ignored.

$adop phase=prepare skipsyncerror=yes

-Aborting an online patching cycle:
If an online patching cycle encounters problems that cannot be fixed immediately you can abort the patching cycle and return to normal runtime operation.

Aborting a failed online patching cycle:

adop phase=prepare
adop phase=apply patches=123456
### serious unfixable error reported
adop phase=abort
adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full
adop phase=fs_clone

The abort command drops the database patch edition and returns the system to normal runtime state.  Immediately following abort, you must also run a full cleanup and fs_clone operation to fully remove effects of the failed online patching cycle.

Dropping old database editions:
As online patching cycles are completed, the system will build up a number of old database editions.  When the number of old database editions reaches about 25, you should consider running a special maintenance operation to drop old database editions.

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